My daughter is gay but only out to a few online friends. I know since I review her activity after she has experienced bullying on the Discord that has led to 3 suicide attempts. She knows I am a total 🏳️‍🌈 ally, love is love.

I believe she seeks support in Discord because it is anonymous and still coming to terms with her identity. Being a teen with raging hormones and no outlet has got to be the worst.

She only has 1 IRL friend who I believe she feels safe to be open with.

I want to share LGBTQIA teen resources with her but don’t want to do anything wrong to ruin any trust she has in me.

Her depression is so thick right now. I’m trying to find a new counselor since the one she’s had for 3 years she really hasn’t been honest and open with the last year (I now know). I’m waiting but resources are scarce for adolescents in our area. #teendepression #teensuicide #teenageproblems #LGBTQIA