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Normal EEG test

So, the EEG came back normal, back to drawing board. it is not siezures so I should be happy, and I guess I am. Just ugh, I want to be able to be active again without feeling lightheaded and it getting worse later in the day.

Keep having episodes where I can’t stay conscious. I have light headedness/ sluggishness that happens before hand. I attempt to lay down to relieve it and it gets worse after. I can hear what is happening around me during the loss of consciousness but vaguely.

Fighting it off is the hardest and if I stand go get water trying to walk feels weird. Apparently too vague for doctors to understand. Doctors just keep saying I need to lose weight or see a therapist. I know what anxiety feels like and it is seperate.#Undiagnosed #Disappointed #unanswered

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3 years (2019)and still miss niece

Where does 3 years go? The world has changed so much in 3 years, but stopped that day Sept 5th, frozen in time. My niece died from drug use and was in ICU. I won't go into all the details of it. She had majority of family and extended family, there, when she died. Her ICU room was pretty crowded that day at the end, when she took her last breath. My Biggest thing was, when her mom went through her purse and found a tiny bible. I just hoped she was at peace and with God after she died, that was my only comfort in my heart that day. She was just 24 years old. #Grief ,#unanswered questions. i was mad and angry at her after she died. I worked through it at the time with therapist, to figure it out and it wasn't anyone's fault. We tried to be there for her, but it wasn't enough.