Hello fellow zebras! After much thought and consideration as to whether or not my physical and mental health could sustain the demands that come from campaigning, I’ve decided to gently jump right in. I have previously local government experience and I know that if given the opportunity, I can have a positive impact on children and adults within mot only my district, but state. My legislative goals includes access and affordability to treatment options for our vulnerable population. When elected, I would very much appreciate hearing what you like or dislike about laws relating to our community. As a neurodivergent zebra with a son who also has EDS, I want to empower others to seek office in the future. We know what our pain and mental health warriors need more than most, so why not represent one another by seeking an elected position? My webpage is transparent and open about my being both patient and caregiver so that we can break those societal barriers that too often assumes that we can’t be contributing members of our communities - we CAN. Should you wish to make a small donation to launch my campaign efforts, it would be greatly appreciated; I’ll need signs, handouts when door-knocking (yes, I’ll remember to hydrate and pack compression stockings!), and mailers. The link is here: secure.actblue.com/donate/friendsofshainasmith #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #ADHD #Spoonie #neurodivergent #zebrascanruntoo