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Zebras can run for office too! 🦓

Hello fellow zebras! After much thought and consideration as to whether or not my physical and mental health could sustain the demands that come from campaigning, I’ve decided to gently jump right in. I have previously local government experience and I know that if given the opportunity, I can have a positive impact on children and adults within mot only my district, but state. My legislative goals includes access and affordability to treatment options for our vulnerable population. When elected, I would very much appreciate hearing what you like or dislike about laws relating to our community. As a neurodivergent zebra with a son who also has EDS, I want to empower others to seek office in the future. We know what our pain and mental health warriors need more than most, so why not represent one another by seeking an elected position? My webpage is transparent and open about my being both patient and caregiver so that we can break those societal barriers that too often assumes that we can’t be contributing members of our communities - we CAN. Should you wish to make a small donation to launch my campaign efforts, it would be greatly appreciated; I’ll need signs, handouts when door-knocking (yes, I’ll remember to hydrate and pack compression stockings!), and mailers. The link is here: #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #ADHD #Spoonie #neurodivergent #zebrascanruntoo

I just gave to Shaina Smith's campaign!

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This is ridiculous… | TW swearing, partial suicidal ideation

I feel like I just want to give up, honestly. My anxiety won’t leave me alone. I had a meltdown yesterday morning and felt like crap about society all day. I need those meds again. I have an appointment today with that luckily, I need them as soon as possible. Otherwise, I don’t know if I can take this anymore. I’m so sick of this damn world. Things have never gotten better ever since AI and AI “art” or crypto was a trend. At the same time, what if I feel the same thing even with those meds? Is there a point in anything anymore?

Magnesium doesn’t work at all for sleep as I kept having stress dreams from my trauma almost every damn day. I’m so sick of this.

I’m so sick of dealing with this shit. I’m so sick of feeling like I’m not welcome here in this damn world. Sometimes I wonder if I’m better off dead.

#MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #neurodivergent #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #tired #SuicidalIdeation #SuicidalThoughts #Trauma #Milddepression

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I'm new to the group

Hello I just thought I'll introduce myself. My name is Siah and I've been using they/them pronouns. I'm on the mighty mainly for my quest for a diagnosis (my doctors think it's MS) I also have my fair share of mental health struggles *cough* *cough* MDD. I'm also neurodivergent.

I am a lesbian (I mean women especially Coop from All American) I'm also non-binary, demisexual, and demiromantic. I hope I gain a beloved community and I look forward to it. #queer #MentalHealth #neurodivergent #AutismSpectrumDisorder #Depression #MajorDepressiveDisorder

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Do people love others the same way neurodivergent people do? And is there actually unconditional friendship and love or is it a tv lie?

I have BPD and ADHD. So basically I think different from most people so I don’t totally know or understand how they feel or what’s normal and what’s not.
So is there actually unconditional friendship and unconditional love? Or is it just sth in movies that I’ve believed?? As I always expect a bit of it or have high hopes that this time someone might actually understand and love, like actually love me, (when I love someone, I do it extremely, like I totally fall in love and care alooot) so is it just me and a belief have due to tv or is it true??
#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #Paranoia #ADHD

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New Episode Alert! Am I Actually Neurodivergent? 🤔

There’s a joke somewhere about four neurodivergent people walking into a recording booth and attempting to focus on the topic at hand. In this episode, Ashley (hi 👋) is joined by @camararollin, @jwertman, and @skyeg as they dive into the wide spectrum of neurodiversity, imposter syndrome in relation to identifying as neurodivergent, and how neurodivergence can often be misunderstood by the people who are meant to be the most helpful in supporting those individuals — namely doctors and educators. Additionally, find out how stacking diagnoses can feel like Pokémon evolutions (and of course, stick around to hear our favorite ones!).

Grab your headphones, your favorite beverage, and subscribe to Table Talk With The Mighty to hear more topics like this every Wednesday!

#Podcasts #neurodivergent #Neurodiversity #MentalHealth #ADHD #Autism #SensoryProcessingDisorder #chronicmigraine #ObsessiveCompulsiveDisorder #BipolarDisorder

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New to this Mighty site

I am Katness, or Kat, older adult with ADHD, Ankylosing Spondylitis and Type 2 Diabetes. I have an adult son and an amazing husband. (The kid came first, then hubby applied for the job of step-dude.) We have been a family unit for 20 years now. The #ADHD was a learning curve for my husband, but as my mother told him on our wedding day - "life with me will never be boring!" She also told him "No Returns". A sense of humor is the one thing our family has in abundance. My mom and dad, my brother and I all have ADHD. My dad and mom each have at least one sibling with ADHD or other #neurodivergent challenges. The #AnkylosingSpondylitis I inherited from my father, and it is a royal pain in the back. My back is the main location for the AS to flair up, though I once had a flair up of my intestinal tract. That was horrid. It can also decide to flair up in a person's iris, which us an urgent ER trip. So far, I have not had this happen, thankfully.
I am extremely fortunate that my husband is willing to do 90% of the household chores, and I have a steady salary job that covers all our expenses. So, that's me in a nutshell, though I have a lot of wild stories that are all true, and some even have photos to prove it. 😅
Pic of hubby and me.

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