How do I make a routine and stick to it?
When the kids are at School they give me a routine. They get me up and I get ready and plan my day. When the weekend or holidays come and there is no routine, I really struggle.
I have ADHD and I suspect Autism alongside chronic pain. My children are both neurodiverse.
My ADHD can get reoutines and schedules together even at the age of 43! But the Autism in me thrives more when there is a routine, I get less depressed. But I can’t create a self imposed routine as I just don’t stick to it!
Having chronic pain also means that sometimes routines and schedules have to change. Like today for example I’m in an Endometriosis flare up and I haven’t left my bed. It’s now 5pm and I’m feeling fustrated as I haven’t achieved anything (apart from writing this post). Now I feel low because I haven’t done this things I’m ‘supposed’ to, like cooking the dinner or tidying the kitchen, or even sitting at my computer and being creative...walking the dog, sigh, the list goes on as I lay here stuck in bed. I know I am capable even with the pain and fatigue of doing something that is meaningful or purposeful, but because I have ‘wasted’ the day I feel paralysed in anxiety to get myself moving. This only adds to negative thinking, the ‘you shoulds’, and the ‘I am a ......’ insert negative affirmation here!
When really I could be saying f*** it! It’s Sunday! A day of rest no less!
I could reframe my negativity and say ‘I deserve to chill in bed today, I’m tired and sore after all’.
This is true, though I’m also a single mum, that means there are’s things that must be done! Feeding us all is the main priority, is it too late to roast chicken for tea?
Routines in the holidays, how do others cope? What’s your life hacks? #Autism #routinestruggles #routineneeded #ADHD #Parenting #Anxiety #Anxiety #Aspie #adhdmum