Got in another argument with my mom this morning and I hung up on her. I told her I got me and pauley matching teddy bear onesie pajamas. She thought it was stupid. Then I mentioned how I want to cuddle with her while we're wearing them and she got mad at me and said it was gross. She thought I was talking about a sexual act. I said that I don't do sex anymore. Then she yelled at me and said I need to calm down. So I said I'll talk to her later and hung up.
I'm so fed up with my mom. But I'm also fed up with being compared to heterosexual cisgender standards. I keep forgetting that people often think physical affection has to lead to sex.
And my mom doesn't understand asexuality. But a lot of people don't. When I told my neighbor that I am asexual she thought that meant I'm interested in every gender. I had to explain bisexual, pansexual, and asexuality. Then she said I am boring.
I've got a really bad migraine and pauley didn't refill my sumatriptan. I took a tramadol but it didn't help. And my back is trashed. We're getting picked up at about 130pm for my X-ray appointment. I'm just hoping my pain goes away before we go.
Pauley doesn't have any money so I paid for her meds this morning. She really needs to do some billing.