I’m quite used to not sleeping well. Between the SLE, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis it’s common to have some sleep difficulties. In my house it’s a challenge to sleep anywhere near my husband because his night terrors has him punching, kicking and otherwise lashing out physically and verbally. I’ve learned to build a wall of pillows and blankets for my physical protection but my best defense is vigilance so mostly I try to sleep once my husband wakes up and goes down to our living room which means my normal sleeping hours are between 8a- 12 noon or later if I’m lucky.
But this past week is crazy! I have no idea how I am still awake. The last decent quantity of sleep I got was on Sunday. It’s now Friday and I have not slept more than an hour at a time since then. I’ll put on a tv show which generally allows me to doze off missing parts of the show when I want to be awake. That’s not working. Reading isn’t working. Taking medications I have since I was in a car accident last month for pain and muscle relaxers usually knock me out. Nothing. I may doze off and miss at most 15-30 minutes of a show so I know I actually dozed off. That is with the volume very low as a white noise. That’s how I normally sleep unless bothered by pain. I have no idea what to do. I’ve gotten up, did my hair, read until I thought I was ready for my eyes to close which they never did.
I should also mention this is a very stressful time for me as my husband and I have just lost our insurance that was provided by his employer since he’s been retired for so many years now. The responsibility of finding Medigap coverage for us fell on me. It was not easy and I’m not sure if we are covered for prescriptions since I can’t get a response from the new insurance carrier.
Any ideas other than to just hope for complete and utter exhaustion to allow me to finally rest? #Insomnia #tootired #needsleep #Bedbattleground #Stressstealssleep