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I am desperate to find a psychiatrist.

I saw a psychiatrist , the best I’ve ever had in my 30+ years of Major Depression with Anxiety disorder. He retired 1 year ago, it was difficult but I found a pHD nurse practitioner who continued the same medications for 6 months. Suddenly she decided it wasn’t good for me to be on Clonazepam 0,5 mg tid and Ambien 5 mg hs. I was doing well with some antidepressant adjustments over those 18 years.
She has tapered me off Ambien and I still have insomnia. She has tapered me down to Clonazepam twice a day, with resulting increased social anxiety, a terrible habit of picking the skin off my thumb until I have sores. I am fearful and anxious. Decreased appetite.reclusiveness to my apartment, no interterests…..I used to read, do crafts. Now all I am interested in is my 2 cats, and my Chihuahua. I was an advocate for wolves and animals that couldn speak for themselves, used to foster kittens and volunteer at an animal she,yet. I no longer drive because of decreased vision and lack of spatial awareness. I have no family living in Denver. I am at odds with my entire family because of the election. I live with my husband in a senior living retirement. My husband is very supportive but he is gone most of the day because he is very involved in activities here.
I need to find a psychiatrist who will allow me to stay on Clonazepam and Ambien, plus my Paxil and Wellbutrin….therapuetic medications that help me maintain some sort of normalcy in my depressed state.
I desperately need help. Her suggestion was to make friends, get out more…which I have tried. All of my best friends live in the Midwest or Northwest, including my two children an 3 grandchildren. Help me please.
#Depression #MajorDepression , #AnxietyDisorder
, #fearful ,#reclusuve ,

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Desperate for sleep

I have Secondary Erythromelalgia due to MS. I am desperate for sleep. I struggle to fall asleep and can’t tolerate the burning if the room is dark and silent! I have tried everything I can think of - relaxation technique, reading, audio books, music, tv on. Some nights I am awake all night. If I fall asleep I wake after two hours and the whole process starts again. Eventually I give up and go downstairs and start my day - often at 4.30am. I would be so grateful for any suggestions!
#Erythromelalgia #MultipleSclerosis #Insomnia #ChronicPain

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Bad mental health..

I can’t sleep anymore. I want to sleep so badly and i want to feel peace in my faith and in God. My anxiety and depression just really make everything feel so hard and hopeless… i would really appreciate prayers, life is really feeling so overwhelming and i don’t know what to do to calm my mind and just be still, and trust in God. I want to with all my heart and i’m trying, it’s just so hard.. #Depression #MajorDepressiveDisorder #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Insomnia

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Love this so much!!!

So so so much of my life is sleeping. As a senior in high school my body was creating so much pain I would black out often so my body could get the rest it thought it needed.

Having such a messy schedule is its own problem but sleeping best during the day is still true to me.

I always ignored the doctors who said naps were the worst thing to do but I knew I felt a thousand times better after sleep. And if I didn't sleep, my already sky high pain would triple.

So I was up from 1Am to 6AM.
Now I am at waking at 6AM and then 3pm though it is forever Changing.

My best advice is to listen to your body, what does it NEED??
Not just want but Need too?

You are the You expert, show em how it is done!!!

#AmplifiedMusculoskeletalPainSyndrome #Arthritis Asthma #Anxiety #AnkylosingSpondylitis #bedbound #BoneSplints #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #CheckInWithMe #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #Depression #Disability #DistractMe #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Endometriosis #Eczema #Fibromyalgia #GastroesophagealRefluxDisease #Grief #gallstones #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #Hypersomnia #HighBloodPressure #Insomnia #JuvenileRheumatoidArthritis #Upallnight #CheerMeOn #Lymphedema #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #PTSD #Psoriasis #PsoriaticArthritis #Psychosis #PanicAttack #PanicAttacks #plantarfasciitis #MentalHealth #MemoryLoss #MightyTogether #Migraine #RareDisease #RheumatoidArthritis #SuicidalThoughts #Scoliosis #sciatica

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I'll probably post alot on this app; these are just night owl thoughts __

Thanks to my therapist for introducing me to the Mighty. Another platform to ventilate my useless biographies and needs I suppose..

It's 12:41 am. This is where I struggle the most, trying to fall asleep.

I lashed out at my husband earlier. I was very anxious and upset. I was trying to cash my check at amscott 2 hours ago but they bounced it because the company didn't pay out the place I cashed it at last time; furiously I went to my managers at night at they merely said call payroll.

Does anything matter anymore ??
Everything gives me a headache.

Anxiety. Stress. Worry and Pain.

Sigh; holding back my frustrations in the car ride home I begin to wonder to myself what is the cycle of life other than working, skipping and avoiding all social events and suffering.

I feel bad I got mad at him, but with my mental health as it is I realize he is so strong.

How can he just fall asleep at peace so fast.
My husband just looks at me one more time..rolls over and is snoring now.

Me ? It takes 5 hours to fall asleep from chronic insomnia and constant worry.

Daily adulting activities that are so simple and painless to normal folks but take so much energy out of me because I am anxiously anxious, or bipolar whichever ya know.

My PCOS feels tame tonight __ yet the ever so painful experience of not being able to bear children lingers over me like a black fog.

Demonically reminding me every night that I am barren and cannot carry.

Tonight ? Just plain sucks. Maybe there's always tommorow ❤️

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lets keep the chat flowing

me again! hows everyone doing? so im in the worst bout of insomnia ive ever had despite having it all my adult life. Really struggled last week but somehow have managed some positivity today. Forced myself out to a little market, got some lovely falafel (which i will pay the price for tonight with my insane allergies but sometimes you just need a god dam bloody treat!!!!), and a brilliant vintage furry coat thats a bit battered but will continue to be battered by me. Saw some lovely seaweed print art which im hoping will eventually lead to me drawing some of my own botanicals. Also got to feed the pigeons and seagulls as the market was 40km away and i have no pigeons or seagulls where i live. so i loved that, made me so happy watching them run around with their hilarious little bodies. My little dog has a big cyst on her tail and is going into irregular heat again despite not having a womb. She suffers just like i do. but i got her vet appointment sorted and got her some special treats and forced myself out on an extra walk to distract her. so despite the horribly scary insomnia, there has been things to hold onto. please share your struggles and hopes :)

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looking for fellow insomniacs

hey all, just want to say you are not alone. ive been trying to envision the other sleepless people when I am up all night again and it is some comfort. So many great artists and writers barely slept a wink. Tracy Emin, Van Gogh, Vladamir Nabokov. Sometimes i wonder if the worlds absolute obsession with the perfect nights sleep is responsible for making us, the insomniacs, feel even worse about our condition. So i may not be the talented artist those guys are but i try when i can to create, i try to help others, i try to care for the people and animals in my life to the best of my limited ability. my intentions are kind. and i am sure yours are too. in the worst insomnia bout of my life (chronic lifelong insomniac here). Last week I had four nights without even a minute. every other night the same fractured, hallucinating hellscape. decades now of hypnagogic hallucinations, waking nightmares. But i remember the great painting of the night demon sat on an insomniac womans chest - the nightmare by Henry Fusili (the painter clearly suffering sleep paralysis), and i feel a kinship there. I hope you all can too.

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hey all

hey all, just want to say you are not alone. ive been trying to envision the other sleepless people when I am up all night again and it is some comfort. So many great artists and writers barely slept a wink. Tracy Emin, Van Gogh, Vladamir Nabokov. Sometimes i wonder if the worlds absolute obsession with the perfect nights sleep is responsible for making us, the insomniacs, feel even worse about our condition. So i may not be the talented artist those guys are but i try when i can to create, i try to help others, i try to care for the people and animals in my life to the best of my limited ability. my intentions are kind. and i am sure yours are too. in the worst insomnia bout of my life (chronic lifelong insomniac here). Last week I had four nights without even a minute. every other night the same fractured, hallucinating hellscape. decades now of hypnagogic hallucinations, waking nightmares. But i remember the great painting of the night demon sat on an insomniac womans chest - the nightmare by Henry Fusili (the painter clearly suffering sleep paralysis), and i feel a kinship there. I hope you all can too.

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heres to feeling less alone

hey all, just want to say you are not alone. ive been trying to envision the other sleepless people when I am up all night again and it is some comfort. So many great artists and writers barely slept a wink. Tracy Emin, Van Gogh, Vladamir Nabokov. Sometimes i wonder if the worlds absolute obsession with the perfect nights sleep is responsible for making us, the insomniacs, feel even worse about our condition. So i may not be the talented artist those guys are but i try when i can to create, i try to help others, i try to care for the people and animals in my life to the best of my limited ability. my intentions are kind. and i am sure yours are too. in the worst insomnia bout of my life (chronic lifelong insomniac here). Last week I had four nights without even a minute. every other night the same fractured, hallucinating hellscape. decades now of hypnagogic hallucinations, waking nightmares. But i remember the great painting of the night demon sat on an insomniac womans chest - the nightmare by Henry Fusili (the painter clearly suffering sleep paralysis), and i feel a kinship there. I hope you all can too.

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