15 minutes, twice a day, the meditation has both proven results in studies and in her own life.

Xandra meditates with her eyes open. 15 minutes twice a day has been proven to calm the autonomic nervous system. In fact, in biofeedback sessions with her Pain Therapist, she's discovered that the autonomic markers tracked improve dramatically for her in just 3 minutes.

Xandra started using meditation to learn to relax her muscles when she had not just chronic pain but also chronic muscle tension. This let to much more learning about meditation and the adoption of a regular practice.

The occupational therapist who got her started on her practice, and her pain psychologist, are people she is grateful for.

She also learned techniques from Breathworks, which offers local courses in the UK and great online courses for beginners in Mindfulness Based practices for people with Chronic Illness or Pain.

She's wearing an awesome vintage T by CopiousSpareTime on Etsy.

#ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #Breathworks #Mindfulness #Biofeedbsck #autonomicnervoussystem #Barbie