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Bipolar Disorder and the Dating Scene Paradigm 😘 #BipolarDisorder #funny

A few years ago, I saw on a Facebook group I was in for singletons in my area, an alternative dating event to be held in a supermarket on a Monday night. The supermarket remained open as usual and no advertising or fuss was made of the event. Basically, you showed up, strolled the aisles and if you were looking for love, you would place a bunch of bananas 🍌 in the front right corner of your trolley. If you passed a fellow love seeker who was displaying their bananas, you could then start to chat, discuss the benefits of bananas in a healthy, balanced diet, possibly exchange numbers and interact without the pressure of being in a bar or club.

I got there about 8.30pm (it was a 8pm start) and strolled leisurely around the aisle. Once, twice round and no sign of anyone else doing the same. An hour had now passed by and I thought It’d be best I put some more things in my trolley and not just the bananas. Well, I lasted for about 2 hours and left my trolley by the baby changing room and darted out the door. I looked on Facebook to see if the event was actually on that night and I’d not got it wrong. Well, where I lived in Salford there’s a Morrison’s at one end of Eccles New Road and one at the end of Trafford Road, they’re about 2 miles apart. I’d walked the two miles difference 5 times over, I’d got the night right, I’d just gone to the wrong fuckin’ supermarket hadn’t I 🤦🏻‍♂️😂🛒🍌
#Dating #bipolarproblems #MightyTogether

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I'm sick and tired of everyone freaking out whenever I get quiet or have even the slightest bit of an off day. I cant always be a ray of sunshine and I really don't understand why I can't just be left alone sometimes. I understand as someone who needs a strong support system, but what I cant understand is everyone assuming I'm not capable. ##bipolarproblems


I want my upswing back! #CheckInWithMe

Coming off an upswing and am finding myself completely overwhelmed with the daily to do list I've created for myself. Bring the upswing back!!! #bipolarproblems #BipolarDisorder