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Time for a laugh - Crazy Christmas gifts. #Depression #Relationships #FamilyAndFriends #funny #laughter #MentalHealth

It’s time for a laugh. What if the wackiest, strangest, funny, gift you have received?

One year my Mother-in-law gave my Brother-in-law and I, a rotary nose hair clipper. We thought it was a joke. However, the look on the givers face said it wasn’t.

We tried it, ouch. No cutting, just pulling. It has however given us a few laughs as we remember it over the years.

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Can you relate? #MentalHealth #funny #laughteristhebestmedicine

Have you ever wanted to do this? I haven’t but now I have seen the photo I might add it to my bucket list.

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¿ " So I Find It So Funny That Everytime I Deal With A Male Customer This Happen's " ? #wierd #funny

° " So The Other Day A Customer Who I Haven't Seen In Awhile Came Into The Restaurant... And We Talked For A Bit... And My Boss Noticed That My Favorite Customer Was Very Attractive.. So More Customer's Showed Up So I Couldn't Give Him His Order Personally. I Alway's Tend To Customer's That I See Regularly. I Litterly Call Them My Favorite Customer's.. Now This Guy Is Very Nice And Tall Very Goodlooking Etc... But What I Find Funny Is That My Boss. And My Other Female Co-worker's.. Would All Of The Sudden Want To Serve And Take My Customer's Thier Order's To Them.. Listen I Litterly Have Like 3 Regular Men That Specifically Vist To Our Restaurant To Come See Me And Ask For Me... Because They Like How I Treat Them With Kindness.. My Other Co-worker.. The Bully Litterly Doe's The Drive-Thru And She's Verbally And Rudly Abusive To Her Customer's All The Time... So Now I Do Drive-Thru And Front Of The House.. When Needed Lol. These Chick's Can't Put On A Charm Or Be Nice.. And Then They Wonder Why I'm The Popular One. That Customer's Perfer... " ° ~ S.K. #Work

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Anxiety is weird

Anxiety is weird I can be happy and bubbly or funny and having the best time of my life and then sometimes I just crash and have way too many intrusive or negative thoughts, bad self esteem, body image, depression, anxiety attacks or panic attacks. And just bawling my eyes out.

I’m happy for the highs and the lows I’m thankful for both I know they are a part of life. Sometime I question if I’m bipolar or something else too, but I don’t quite fit the criteria, I just think I have too move going on and overwhelmed sometimes but I’m trying my best to be happy while validating my emotions and crying when I need to let it out.

Anyone else feel like they are such an oxymoron in the sense that sometimes I can perfectly relate to my anxiety disorder and other times

It’s like wow I hide it really well, while other times I don’t at all. I Guess it’s normal
We are more than our illness or diagnosis it be physical or mental health or both.

But guess just funny how it works sometimes.

#generalizedanxiety #AnxietyDisorder #weitd #funny #interesting #Thoughts #Curious #whatsboutyou

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Canes & Brains

I was looking everywhere for my cane one afternoon. Couldn't figure out where the heck I put the thing. My partner comes home and goes to get a water from the fridge and there it is, hanging up on the shelf, literally just chillin.
#Cane #funny #BrainFog #ChemoBrain #Humor #Laugh #gallowshumor #MigraineBrainFog

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Toothpaste Follies

Today I went to get my blood drawn. I take off my hoodie and feel something tubular and squishy in the pocket. So I reach in and what do I find? When I burshed my teeth I put the toothpaste in my pocket afterwords because THAT is where the toothpaste goes, my friend!🤣😂🤪
#BrainFog #FibroFog #MigraineBrainFog #funny #Humor #lol #CheerMeOn #whoops

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Scampy McScampFace’s Scamp Life

Confidence is the preference for Scampy McScampface, a habitual voyeur of what is known as—Scamp Life!

After Scamp has been rudely awakened he gets some exercise (in the country). At around 2pm, upon their return, Scamp and Little Brofur have their treats. Then, with full bellies they have their naps. So far, so good, cause I like to nap around then too. It gives me an enermous sense of well-being, know what I mean?


A certain Scamp decides anywhere between 2-3pm onwards that he is feeling more awake; ergo it must dinner time—which unfortunately for him; is 4pm sharp. Thus begins “The Dance of The Scampy McScampface”… only far less sugar plum fairy like, and a bit more hippo 🦛

Scamp starts off his dance in first position; which is to vigorously wag his tail at me while making engaging huffy noises. Second position involves rubbing himself up against my legs that go hand-in-hand with snorts and borks; ad libbed at his descretion. My job is to be a Tender participant in this elaborate jouer à joue which is the Duke’s ritualist way of conveying “I am awake; therefore I eat” (incidentally he is also a big fan of the pork life 😋)

It all culminates in a pas de burrées of sorts with him launching himself into my lap, then looking up at me with his Scampy McScampFace full hope, of which I managed to catch a non Blur-ry picture today.

I’m also pleased to confirm that Scampy McScampFace ate his dinner so he’s far less of a Beetlebum… for the next few hours at least 😆

#Dogs #MightyPets #DistractMe #Laugh #funny #Fun #LifelimitingIllness #ChasingLife #TheDisabledLife #WhatWeLoveMostAboutLife #scamplife #MightyMusic #Music #Blur #Sleep #SleepDisorders #Insomnia

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The Name’s Muck… Lord Muck

Double post from me today because this photo from our dog walker was too funny not share! I think it’s the pug in him, but Lord Muck’s mantra is “if it’s a kind of water and I fits, I sits!” One time he did this, it was so thick I spent about 5 minutes just laughing at the state of him at the front door while the dog walker profusely apologised, all the while he just sat there looking very happy with his chonky boi self 😂

Now it’s rainy season, we have to do near daily baths and the Duke is rather displeased and indignant about it all like “Jeeves… I worked very hard on rolling in that mud and fox / sheep poop so it would camouflage me. Now the other dogs are going to laugh at me tomorrow because of how stinky you’ve made me with this thing you call ‘shampoo’ except there’s not even any poo in it!”

Us Jeeveses are fickle beasts like that 😆

#Dogs #MightyPets #Laugh #funny #alwayslookouththelightsideoflife #TheLittleThings #DistractMe #Pets #ForTheLoveOfDogs #forthelols

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