BPD and BF
I seem to be lost at the moment. I need to either be told "Youre right" or "no, girl, youre wrong!" So here we go- my SO and i have separated and are trying to work on things. However we just seem to be arguing still like before. Now this recent one- I'm not doing too well I'll admit. my health seems shaky and I will be undergoing surgery soon. And with all the stress of the holidays I am overwhelmed.. Now, emotionally I feel I've been carrying things well but they just get so darn heavy sometimes- and well yesterday i had a panic attack while driving in the dark and had to pull over- that was all it took for tears to stream down and everything to be too much and flood me at once. Now my SO has been upset with me because of a different situation and wasnt talking to me really at all yesterday until he saw my post about said panic attack. He called and i was still overwhelmed and didnt want to discuss at that moment and especially not when he was around others because last time he told me i was "embarrassing him".. he messaged me and was asking questions so i finally started to vent and he told me to rest... Yeah, to rest. I was in full meltdown and i felt like he was dismissing me by telling me to rest, then followed it with "no really get some sleep".. like i was just a burden he was trying to escape. then when i proceeded to say how i felt and even laughed ("ha") because he said that - he said "idk why i bother when i end up being treated like this". in my eyes all i did was explain what was going on, then felt dismissed and unimportant. all to which i got that comment so i was like what? okay, fine, you win..and then was yet again accused of making excuses for myself and everything when i was just explaining my side and how i saw things.. so,# I dont see how i treated him badly when i was melting and finally opened up just to be told to rest... AITA? Like did i really mistreat him?
#help #BPD #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #aita #Advice #borderlineandrelationships #bpdandlove #Relationships