HELP!!! Recently Diagnosised, Terrifed, and Feeling Helpless
I was diagnosised with BPD a few weeks ago and I’m terrified. Not only am I terrified, I’m ashamed to have it. I have read about the stigma and the difficulties getting help. I was told today by my social worker/therapist in the partial hospitalization program that I am in, that it will probably be hard to find someone who will help me because people with BPD “are draining.” That is what he said. I feel hopeless, helpless, alone, lost, confused, ashamed, and borderline suicidal. I feel like because of the stigma that I will never get the help I so desperately want. I don’t want to live like this for the rest of my life. I need some help. Anyone experience the same thing? Any advice? Thank you. #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #BPDDiagnosis #BPDStigma #bpdhelp #bpdsurvivors #bpdcoping