There is no easy way to go about this.. I feel so alone...

I live in Ontario. I'm currently in the middle of a custody battle with my abuser and I'm unsure how it's going to turn out.. as of right now we have a temp order, my children see him twice a week for an hour and every other weekend for over night sleepovers. First weekend he told my oldest I'm a liar because I had him charged for what he did to me just before Christmas. Following weekend after my oldest didn't want to go so my youngest went by herself, he told her I tried to keep her and her sister away from him, also tried to gain information from her like asking her if the house is clean ect.. clearly spending his time either manipulating our children or trying to find something to use against me in court...

I've never been more stressed than going through this with him.. I'm scared and worried the court system is going to fail me and my girls. Can anyone else relate? How did your custody battle go with your abuser?

#survior #Abuse #ChildCustody #Stress