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#Life ’s #Joy : Birthday Agenda

#party ….nope
#Guest ….nope
#dressup ….nope
#Orders ….nope
#drive ….nope
#Directions ….nope
#Late #home ….nope
#rest ….YUP
#relax ….YUP
#Fun at #home …YUP
#Stayed inside….YUP
#Loved the day….YUP
#Reality ….Fabulous #mentally #Healthy #Birthday without any
#Anxiety #PTSD #CPTSD #Depression #FinancialPain #worries #Guilt #Stress

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• " Feeling Severely Out Of Place At Work And Burnt Out" ○ #frustration #Stress

° " So I'm Starting To Question The Food Service Job's... To Me My Experience So Far... Has Been For 2 Year's Stressful...Unsafe...Exhausting...I Don't Know Why People View Me As The Person To Thier Every Issue... That They Just Cannot Care Enough To Fix It Themselve's... I Have Been Giving My Disabled Body... To This Restaurant Day And Night And Overtime Hour's... And I Still Get Yelled At Just Because I'm Not Glued To My Phone.. To Say That I'm On My Way... This Lady That I Work For Doesn't Know How To Be A Good General Manager... Every Other Employee That She Favorite's... Never Get Written Up Or Threated To Get Fired Just Me... I'm Sorry But I'm Done Being Kind And People Pleasing Type... It's K****G My Self Esteem And Energy... She Get's Mad Over The Littlest Issue's... And Never Solves The Bigger One's... I Feel Extremely Taken Advantage Of... And My Kindness Has Been Over Stepped... And My Boundarie's Over Run... We Have Alot Of People On The Night Shift... And Now She's Struggling For The Morning Shift... And Expect's Me To Drop Whatever I'm Doing To Come Help... I Don't Feel Appreciated At This Job At All... They Have Me Mentoring New Employee's... It's Not My Job... Nor In My Job App... On Monday When I Return I'm Going To Have To Hear Them All Whine... As To Why I Never Answer My Phone... I Don't Like It When People Just Put All Thier Energy Into One Basket... And Expect Me To Be A Solution To Thier Need's... I'm A Human Being I Wish To Have A Private Life... That Doesn't Envole Work... Im Like Stuck In A Never Ending Cycle..." ° Sincerely, ☆ S.K. ☆ #Depression

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I have to find a new way to live

#Stress #Grief #Anxiety #Depression #HashimotosThyroiditis #MajorDepressiveDisorder #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

So Im the Executrix of my parents' estate. They both died within 4 months last year. I'm exhausted. Also my husband has been renovating our kitchen so my house is a wreck. I've been using hemp gummies to moderate my Xanax use but I ran out and IDK.... I'm still working. Some days that's all I can do. Probate deadline in 2 weeks and I'm not ready. UGH. Please send encouragement or prayers or good vibes - whatever you can❣️😭 P.S. this Pic is how I feel. Or think. 😪

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just found out my bio dad's got colon cancer

#Cancer #Depression #Anxiety #Support #Stress #overwhelmed
hey everyone..i just checked my voicemail and one of the messages was my bio dad saying that he was in the hospital,that he just found out he has i called the hospital and talked to him bc i haven't talked to him in months due to a previous misunderstanding we had..

he just found out yesterday that he has colon cancer and that they are going to do everything they can to prolong his life.. shots, chemo..i knew something was wrong a few years ago bc of his stomach issues..i told him to go to the doc.. encouraged him to go and that i would go with him but he never would go

i know myself now scary it can be going to the doc when something is wrong and you dont know whats going on..i know when it's his time to go im going to blame myself for not pushing him to go to the doc even though i tried everything i could to get him to go..this is devastating news and i just got to know my bio dad in the past 4 years of my life..

im frozen in fear..i dont know how to take it or what to think..after hearing his message..i froze and it took me 30 min to build up enough courage to call him bc i was in freeze or flight mode..i just lost my step dad few years ago to prostate cancer and i didn't get to say my goodbyes to him due to being homeless and my phone dying..

so i have alot of guilt around death and i love that God gives us life but is it normal to be a little angry at him for taking loved ones away? i don't know if its just me..i don't have any support and haven't in awhile.. God was my only support..i dont like feeling this way and just need some answers or opinions.. thank you

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