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Another great and challenging day ( longer rambling then usual )

Every morning I feel compelled to come on this site to check on everyone. Some are making big strides in “ conquering the mind”. We have some talented members on here who are extremely helpful. There are members who give great advice to help those that are in crisis mode. One thing I’ve noticed with a lot of our members is a lot of problems actually started during their Childhood due to the abuse of parents or family members. There are no “Quick cures” for the deep embedded problems. We can be all ears and just help by being there and be a listening post. This is not from “ book experience “ but from being a abused person myself. Yes, I was a hard teenager to raise so I take some of the responsibility. Yes, I took my daily butt beatings daily from my dad until I finally had enough and put a beating on him. That made him quit. My last night I ever spent in the “ family home “ I had pissed my mother off by “ tapping” my younger brother on the head after he continuesly kept changing the channel from the show I was watching. My younger brother was and still is referred to as the “ Golden Child”. My mother believed he was the reincarnation of Stephen. ( my brother who died at 3 days old) who my mother who continually would tell me she wished it was me who died instead of him. After I tapped my brother, I was escorted out the front door with a kitchen steak knife poking me in the back by my mother. That was the very last night I spent in the family home. I worked nights at a local Gas station pumping gas and lived in a run down studio pay by the week type of place and finished up my senior year of highschool. The only ones to come to my graduation was my soon to be wife and her parents. I honestly had nothing. Just a few pair of clothes and 1 pair of shoes. College was just a dream. I married my wife almost a month after highschool. Then I joined the Army as I had a wife and a expected baby on the way. Yes, I can still remember those nights of being hungry, depressed, but I was glad to be out of that house. I went almost 20 years without seeing or hearing from either of my parents. I finally forgave both of them but no, I’ll never forget. My Dad passed away a few years ago due to a traffic accident and I flew up there to see him before he died. I didn’t go to his funeral. My mother and I have not spoken in probably 5-6 years and when she passes I will not attend her funeral as well. ( she’s been moved up close to the ( Golden Child’s house) and spending her remaining time in a nursing home. After 8 years in the Army I got out and was working 2 jobs and going to college and raising my family. Thankfully I had a strong wife who was my rock. After I got my degree, I finally had time to take a breath. Yes I finally found a career where I could actually succeed in life, as well as a career I loved. So no, a lot of advice I give is from my personal life. I hate seeing others going through what I went through. I now look around and see what I was blessed with and still remember the days of 2 pairs of pants and 1 pair of worn out shoes. It by itself humbles me and keeps me “grounded”. I’ll just add that my past enhanced my formal education. So when I give advice, it’s a combination of both my life with a little bit of education thrown in. I’ll add that the next 1-2 weeks will be hectic around here as my wife’s cousin is on his way to his new beginnings and dealing with what we will do for my wife’s mother. If you’ve read this far, your really bored or a Saint lol. I wish all of you a beautiful and blessed day. Stay positive!….David

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Verbal Abuse

I just now realized that my mom is verbally abusive.. And has been since I was a child. I cannot fathom that it took me 20 years to finally realize it. Has anyone else experienced this?

I also read an article that talked about the impact of verbal abuse (provided in the picture) and sadly it all makes sense.. My mother definitely negatively impacted my brother and I… Its terrible when your own parent is a bully.

#Abuse #Bipolar1

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A beautiful Sunday

Sitting here working on my first cup of coffee enjoying the sound of nature and the quietness of a subdivision in Florida which is rare. Then it’s time to get up on the hopefully dry roof to do some recaulking and some trim painting before the afternoon heat and rain begins. My wife is extremely anxious as we are about to lose her cousin who’s like a brother to her from Cancer. This week has been great for the mighty! First, applause going out to Jessy! You have made great strides in progress my friend. Next applause going out to practicalturtle who in my opinion is facing the root of all the abuse she has put up with. Stay strong and do not fear! Her post actually was so intriguing that I got out of bed and had to reread it and comment about it. There are somethings in life we just don’t understand. Hopefully all members are doing well as each day goes by. On that note, it’s time for 1 more cup of coffee lol….David

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Can a person with #DissociativeIdentityDisorder live a normal life?

Disassociative Identity Disorder is the
chameleon of mental illnesses.

Its sole purpose is to allow the host to live a normal life.

You can’t live a normal life if at an early age thedeveloping brain is constantly switching, or is occupied by the trauma memories.

You’ve all kept a secret to protect a loved one, correct?

DID is just that. It’s a protective shield.V6

With DID, comes amnesia - a total or partial loss in memory.

Often the individual will remember their abuse, but will have no feelings attached to the memories. They may notice their behaviour, actions and mood shifting, however, to them, this is normal -

“Everyone experiences mood swings, so what?”

“We all have a bubbly and assertive side, right?”

You make excuses for yourself.

You know there’s something not quite right with you, but you can’t figure it out.

You ignore the red flags.

Sometimes it’s better to be left in the dark, to not know.

But with one trigger, that could all change.

Once you find out about your DID, the amnesic barriers slowly begin to break, never entirely, but piece by piece.

The host, the identity which may or may not be the core, the identity which is meant to be left in the dark, slowly gathers information from the internal world.

The voices which communicate within, the other alters, who will not actively choose to expose themselves without an intense trigger, start learning about one another.

For the person with DID, this feels like a re-birth, but an excruciatingly difficult one.

Years of not being able to answer the question, “who are you?”, slowly begins to make sense, although the journey for the person with DID never stops.

How hard is it for you, as one identity, to figure out who you are and what you stand for?

Let’s try to imagine that times 3, times 10, times 100+.

The person with DID is not meant to know for this particular reason.


Bully for you

After an exchange, following a post elsewhere on the site, I felt compelled to post on the subject of bullying. A lot of standup comedians in the UK, said that they started their careers after being bullied at school and turning into the class clown to disarm such attacks. This reminded me of the Roger Corman film, The Sorcerers, starring Boris Karloff and Vincent Price as waring warlocks. In one scene the former fires a cannon ball at the later, who immediately turns it into a bunch of flowers.

We need to disarm attacks but that means changing the situation into a less threatening one, through humour or not taking it seriously.

I once delivered leaflets for a supermarket and one of the lads once threw a plastic container at me, to which I quipped, I didn't know you had the bottle (it was plastic, so not dangerous). For years I have had to put up with verbal abuse by smart arse youths, who think I am effeminate I suppose (wolf whistles and rude gestures and suggestions). I don't see myself as they see me, so don't know how I look to them, when walking but needless to say I hate it and only have avoided it by living in big towns. It is country bumpkins, who seem to have the edge on this attitude and why I hated where I came from for that reason hate it here and the last place we lived

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Autism, A New Approach

Seeing a report about a Dr Vermeulen's approach to autism is interesting from several angles. Firstly, it points out the need to approach the situation from an insider perspective, rather than an outsider one.

The trouble with modern medicine is that it believes in intervention, in all things. By this I mean its attitude is to charge in and attack the problem, hoping to destroy its hold on life (suppression of symptoms). This way of handling things in America, is reflected in the gun mortality rates as well as health care based on money, rather than community.

If The USA cannot treat its ordinary citizens with respect, how well can outsiders like us expect to be handled, especially when there is a medical movement, out to find the gene responsible for autism, so that they can wipe us off the face of the Earth? In Okinawa, Japan they treat their elders with respect and they can live to over a hundred. In The UK we toss our old people into care homes and then wonder why they turn into vegetables and die early?

In Europe there is a more humane approach to people, personified by Dr Vermeulen and Marius Romme a Dutch psychiatrist, who tries to integrate schizophrenics voices, so that their personality is not at war with itself. As Jo points out in her article 'us and them' is a divisive mentality that only makes relations worse in any situation. As Mary Beard, the historian, pointed out in a recent edition of The BBC History magazine – the real reason The Roman Empire grew so big, was that it was an inclusive society, that took in all waifs and strays, giving them citizenship for their loyalty.

The problem has been up to now that ordinary people have tried to hammer us round pegs into their square holes and expect us to fit. In 'The A Word' on BBC 1, Tuesdays, 9pm we see a child reacting to the hostility or friendliness of people around them, becoming more normal when respected and trying to shut out the hostile world, when treated with disrespect. If they want us to integrate and fit in, like Dr Vermeulen says, they need to accept us for what we are warts and all. It is all about being wanted and this includes the question of suppression of speech or being (abortion, child abuse, murder and war). It is only by doing this that we will relax and become who they want, rather than be on our guard eternally, against the enemy at the gate, trying to bash down our castle walls and get in. Let us mend ourselves from within and meet the neuro-typical world half way.

A depressed autistic person is as helpless as anyone else in that position but a happy person can help themselves out of the well of isolation they've fallen into.

Fear makes us want to conform and enforce conformity on others. To overcome prejudice we must accept our differences and even enjoy exploring them, in a mutual exchange with the rest of the world (learn and teach). We must grow like anything living thing does (evolve out of our shell), not be forced into a mould or clipped back, to fulfill an idea of beauty and perfection that is not real and will not last. The only constant in the universe is change and we must not only change ourselves but belong to a world that changes and grows with us.

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Another book #PTSD #Bipolar2 #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder

I was at Barnes and Noble and I came across this book. I still feel ashamed about what happened. Hopefully it will somehow help me. The author also experienced abuse growing up.

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Wow! Am I struggling with trauma.

The last 2 years has possibly been the hardest 2 years in my life due to being a former smoker trapped in a smoke saturated environment as an older person. Gaslighting by officials; with abuse and lack of caring by neighbors. #justsaying

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is chentex. I'm here because I am a victim of clergy abuse under the care of a trauma specialist and I am interested in learning all I can and involving myself where I can make a positive impact for the greater good.


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