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Addiction struggles

There’s a lot going on in my life right now- I started self medicating with my drug of choice because I’m coping with some abuse from my childhood that I’ve mentioned before. I can’t talk about it at home. My relatives never admit anything happened even though they see the effects of what I went through. It’s a big family secret and everyone was an accomplice. If it takes a village to raise someone up, it also takes one to bring someone down… I have so many feelings underneath the anxiety and fear… the sadness, pain, grief, terror… I want to use this drug less and get off it completely but it’s been hard. I am triggered all the time I am here. I’ve had to enforce extremely strict boundaries because that’s the situation I’m in. I feel sad writing this because I want to be better, I do, it may just take time….

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A Song I Wrote: Weekend Rockstar 🎶🤪 #BipolarDisorder #MentalIllness #MentalHealth

Below is a link to a song that I wrote about the debauchery of substance abuse that I have experienced over the years. It is not a great song by any means but give a listen if you have time and please then comment on this post if you feel like you want to! 👌👍🙏

Weekend Rockstar 🎶


Weekend Rockstar 🎶

Here’s a song that I’ve written about debauchery, indulgence and the drug fuelled weekends that I have had. It’s called Weekend Rockstar. I hope you like it 👌
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Coming out of Fight or Flight

I feel like I’m not going to be able to make it. I want to be happy. I want to have fun. I want to feel the sun on my face; I deserve to feel something. My trauma is so intense and deeply rooted in my psyche that just this September I truly SAW me…what my mind has done to me. Someone told me, “Living from crisis to crisis is no way to live.” No words have ever rang truer or resonated with me more deeply. I had a complete tornado of overwhelm and reality! I was standing in my bedroom and I realized: Sarah, how are you ever going to get out of this mess??? I had a complete panic that left me rocking, like a child, covered my ears, and realized what had happened to me. I was around people who were chemically and mentally unstable from childhood to now. I have suffered abuse that has been incredibly painful for me to see and deal with at 43. Im trying. My kid coached me thru it…talk about mom guilt…and my 16-year-old son said, “You’re coming out of fight or flight, it will be okay. Im so proud of you.” Im currently in a partial hospitalization program and it’s hard to believe and feel this stiff and not turn my attention away. I feel like the PHP is magnifying my mental health but I suppose I gotta keep rolling thru the pages and turn those pages. #Trauma #PTSD #MajorDepressiveDisorder #MoodDisorders #MentalHealth #Anxiety

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Impact on how I lived/live

I am not sure if details are okay to share…I don’t want to trigger anyone. So I will keep it more vague. My first emotional abuse started when I was just in diapers and able to walk on my own. The abuse came from my father. There was multiple ways he would verbally abuse me, but he certainly had a go to line that was used the most. I won’t say the exact words other than it was life threatening. Some people ask well how do you know you were so young…because it was witnessed on our old VHS home videos. I also have a clear memory when my sister and I were being kids and we were laughing and he told us to be quiet or he would _________. I know these threats impacted me, because it made me grow up quiet and reserved. It made me not make friends. It made me a people pleaser to avoid confrontation. It gave me anxiety and depression.
But he wasn’t the only one who gave me anxiety and depresssion, that also came from the sexual abuse from my brother. I still struggle a lot with my depression and anxiety. I am almost 40 now and looking to rebuild/reinvent myself…learn who I truly am..

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I wanted to starve myself tonight, but I didn't.

Today's been a hard day. I was tempted to skip dinner. All the pressure and all the abuse makes me feel like I need to skip meals and starve myself. I've struggled with eating disorders (binge eating and starving) for about 13 years. It's hell. But tonight I decided to eat dinner. I decided to do something different tonight. I'm not perfect, and sometimes I will have days where I can't eat much, just so I feel a sense of control, but today I just wanted to do something else.


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Impossible to break negative thoughts #negative #Depression #Divorce

I am broken. After years of emotional abuse and having to hear that no one will ever want me, my husband left me and just enjoying being single and going on dates with different woman. Being over 40, little over weight and turning grey, I sit alone at home rumenating that I am unlovable. I feel so alone. After the divorce all our friend (his friends) choose him and he slept with my only "friend", making sure I have no one.
I sit and imagine him with the other woman. I did not want the divorce but he felt trapped. I can't even be a good mom for my children because I am sad and depressed all the time.

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Body Modification as a Healing Tool

For those that know me, tattoos are a big part of my life. I have six, now seven with the mushroom pictured below. For years I struggled with body dysphoria as a transgender male and body image issues from abuse and body shaming brought on by relatives. At one point, I even considered being anorexic because the abuse was bad. I still struggle with the abuse and with a lot of shame. I was taught to be perfect but I never will be and it’s about time everyone wakes up to that realization.

Body modification is a way to reclaim my body. It’s a way to say this is mine and I will decorate/modify how I please. It makes me feel unique and like I can express my individuality which was always seen as a negative trait when it’s what makes me most beautiful. I got this mushroom because well I have been smoking a lot of ganja and it brings me, most times, a sense of peace. I also love science fiction stuff and this mushroom looks like it could be straight out of an H. P. Lovecraft story. What are your own unique ways of healing? ❤️‍🩹 #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Bipolar1

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Navigating Complex Trauma: What Causes C-PTSD and How to Heal

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), also known as complex trauma, generally stems from enduring repeated traumatic events, frequently within a close relationship, over an extended period.

Unlike single-incident PTSD, complex trauma can lead to a range of psychological and emotional challenges manifesting additional symptoms, including impaired emotional regulation, altered consciousness states, distorted self-perception, and relationship difficulties.

These challenges can significantly impact your daily functioning, relationship dynamics, and overall wellbeing.

Causes of Complex Trauma

Causes may include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, consistent neglect (especially in childhood), bullying, exposure to domestic violence, or living through intensely threatening circumstances (such as war, for example). However, complex trauma can also develop in adulthood due to ongoing mistreatment, such as domestic violence.

Childhood Abuse or Neglect: Physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, or bullying can have a profound impact on a child’s development.

Witnessing Violence: Exposure to violence, such as domestic violence of parents in your childhood, or community violence, such as repeated fights at school growing up, or worse, can be traumatic.

Prolonged Exposure to Traumatic Events: People who are repeatedly exposed to traumatic events, such as war or natural disasters, may also develop complex trauma.

How to Recognize Complex Trauma

Psychological and Emotional Symptoms

Complex trauma often manifests through intense emotional experiences, including deeper shame, guilt, or feelings of alienation. You may experience altered states of consciousness, such as memory gaps in adulthood when trying to recall parts of childhood, or a sense of detachment from your emotions or physical self. To cope, you might avoid certain places, people, or experiences in general that trigger discomfort.

Complex trauma can also affect your psychological wellbeing. You may experience a persistent sense of worthlessness and shame, significantly affecting your self-perception and self-esteem. Emotional regulation can become really challenging with C-PTSD, leading to outbursts of anger or prolonged periods of sadness. It can also lead to phobias and fears that seem to be irrational, or anxiety that danger is lurking in places (or people) even when they aren't displaying actual signs of danger. These issues can significantly disrupt social interactions and daily functioning, limiting your life, making healing a complex (but essential) journey.

Physiological Symptoms

Complex trauma can also manifest physically. You may experience hyperarousal, feeling constantly on edge with heightened startle responses. Physical symptoms often include panic attacks, light-headedness, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, recurrent headaches and migraines, persistent muscular tension, gastrointestinal distress on a consistent basis, and more. These stress-related reactions can significantly impact your daily functioning and overall health.


Complex PTSD needs a mind-body therapy approach rooted in trauma healing. While this should involve some coping techniques, a trauma approach generally requires getting to know and work through what you are carrying on a deeper level in order to reduce and be able to shed the power these traumas have asserted over your emotional, psychological, and physiological wellbeing.

Other Coping Strategies


Self-care plays an important role in managing complex trauma symptoms and enhancing overall wellbeing. This includes anything from diet, to regular physical activity, such as walking, running, yoga, or swimming, for example. Physical activity generally helps to reduce stress, release tension, and help with mood regulation. Self-care also includes finding things that nurture you in other emotional ways, as well -- for some this can be reading, writing, art and other creative outlets, seeing friends, and anything else that's helpful for you.

Trauma Therapy

Remember, self-care is an essential part of healing, but it doesn't replace the deeper healing work that needs to be done. Often people try to use coping techniques to replace the deeper healing, and what eventually tends to happen is the deeper traumas that go unaddressed start to grow and take over, and can make it so the coping tools are no longer as effective. It's important in therapy to figure out the coping techniques that work for you, so you also have them available to you alongside the deeper explorative work.

#complextrauma #Trauma #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #Migraine

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Today I played :))))

I think I subconsciously or consciously , I collect comics and love anime because it’s my way of salvagaing what little bit of a childhood I had. Watching these batman shows and comic book character shows, was the only way one of my parents and I bonded and I feel like deep down I always want to keep those memories alive because in those short instances amid the abuse I endured, I felt loved. I felt like it was all about me. It was Kai’s chance to be who they were. This parent inflicted horrifying abuse on me and my siblings but the part of me that’s a little kid remembers how good I felt to be able to do this with this one parent who showed more affection to me than the other…

So on I went to New York City Comic Con. I bought comics, autographs, pins, and collectibles that brought me back to my youth. Tamagotchi? Yes please. Dragonball Z, yes please. Yugioh! But of course! I’m so proud of myself for going alone to this convention and not missing out, for taking time to play like a younger Kai briefly enjoyed, for smiling wholeheartedly with other comic loving aficionados. Truly my heart was touched. Truly I felt visible and seen. #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #DistractMe

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My Opinions on Psyche Meds #BipolarDisorder #Medication #MentalHealth

Dr. Vohra (my psychiatrist), I think now we have hit the bullseye with regards to the meds. However, I’d like to give you some feedback and input about it from someone who has lived it. Firstly, it’s going to be an opinion with a heavily biased psychopharmacological perspective. I was prescribed Mirtazapine at the start of my treatment. It worked wonders. I’m not sure how it’s classified now as a NaSSa or a an atypical antidepressant. I know though that it works on Serotonin and Dopamine. I was prescribed Sertaline after a while, maybe because my doctor thought it had become ineffective. The sertraline is an SSRI and with my history of substance abuse, I can only compare it to ecstasy or MDMA. I experienced tingling and sensations in my jaw which caused it to shake. After a couple of weeks this subsided, but it’s from then it made me feel awful. I was prescribed Tramadol at the time for sciatica and I subsequently had three epileptic like seizures. I professed to the health professionals that cared for me that I was on the two drugs and I was maybe experiencing serotonin Syndrome. This fell on deaf ears. I have since come off both medications and had no repeat incidents of fits.

As a result of this, I was awaiting my appointment with the psychiatrist and my GP prescribed me Depakote. It’s an anticonvulsant as you know and it’s strength of dose targets the ailment. It’s around 500mg for migraines, 1000mg for epilepsy and 1,500-2,000mg for bipolar disorder. It’s also used for schizophrenia too. So you can surmise it is a potent drug. I attended my second appointment with my psychiatrist after commencing Depakote therapy and I wasn’t able to speak to the psychiatrist. I wasn’t able to even grunt or shrug my shoulders. Medicated to the point of anonymity.
With a mood stabiliser like Depakote and an antidepressant like Mirtazapine, it causes a monumental shift in mood for Bipolar sufferers that are exaggerated to the extreme boundaries ever experienced. You are calm one minute then you’re orbiting the moon the next. You are more spaced out than Neil Armstrong ever was. I don’t fully understand how it works, but you have a drug to stop you going too high, another drug to stop you going too low, then a further medication to hold everything in place. Some drugs work in tandem with others to achieve this.

For example, I was on Depakote as a mood stabiliser. I was also on Quetiapine as an antipsychotic. These two however have the potential to be detrimental to each other and effect how proficient each one is in treating your problems. I know it’s not up to me to pick and choose what I take but if I’m taking something then I want it to be the best possible medication I can have.
I now take Lithium (600mg), Olazapine (20mg) and Fluoxetine (20mg). Olazapine and Fluoxetine work well together. Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic, just like Quetiapine I was on previously. The dosage for Quetiapine ranges from 200-800mg, at the end of my relationship with Quetiapine I was on 750mg a day. The pharmacist at my local chemists pulled me to one side as I went to pick this up to double check it was right. They’d never administered a dosage like it before.

So I’m taking an SSRI, so it stops my serotonin being recycled and keeps it in the part of my brain to be effective. I’m not sure of why this is but I’m taking atypical antipsychotic which effects my serotonin and with Olazapine it blocks my dopamine too. I don’t think Quetiapine does this. Dopamine is the pleasure monoamine that causes reward pathways. Cocaine for example hits every major monoamine in the brain and stops their re uptake to cause an overload of brain chemistry. Crazy isn’t it?!?!
I feel disinterested in some activities that arise and my participation in my hobbies is wavering to say the least.
The one thing I can categorically say is that medication for mental illnesses might control the severity of the extremes a person goes through but it also stifles any expression a person has and you are bereft of any enthusiasm to be the person you are.
#MightyTogether #BipolarDepression #Depression #lithium

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