Thank goodness for Percocet.

I got to video chat with my girlfriend and her daughter for a half hour. They were playing outside. Her daughter knows me as "mommy's boy who makes funny faces". We like to show off our plushies. She said her daughter doesn't usually like talking to people on the phone but she likes me. I've always been good with kids. I love drawing and doing crafts with kids.

I'm exhausted. Only got 3 hours of sleep last night. I'm just about done with my first cup of coffee mixed with mud wtr. It tastes better than usual. I used less milk this time. My next cup of coffee will be mixed with IQ Joe. I need the caffeine.

I tried to make some rice for lunch but it was yucky. I am almost out of cheese so I need to order some groceries soon. I'll wait till I only have one carton of oat milk left. I'm hoping to make the quiche in the freezer. It'll last a few days. I didn't have an appetite all week but last night I ate the whole sandwich super fast. It was delicious. But I also haven't taken my Mounjaro injection yet this week. Oops

#Relationships #coffeeislife #mental health