I am having a really hard time dealing with people being invited over to my house. I have had anxiety forever, this isn't new. My husband knows I hate having people over and/or being in crowds. And now. ... with COVID.... he keeps letting people come over. We have a toddler and older child.
I keep talking and talking and he keeps promising he won't have anyone else over
But here we are again. He thinks if people come over in 2's and 3's it will be ok.
Sorry if this is all jumbled. I am having the worst anxiety attack
But now 2 more are about to be here . In my house. My "safe" place. I can't pack up and leave. Can't not answer the door.
He has everyone thinking I am crazy anyway. He literally told his whole extended family I had a mental illness thats why we couldn't go to Christmas parties. I mean its not a lie but I didn't give him permission to say that.
And he keeps swearing he won't do it anymore. And now, right now as I am typing this he is telling me its all his ADHD. He doesn't think before he invites them over. But shouldn't his priority be us, at the least his kids??
I'm just freaking out. Need help. Please.