What do you do that makes you strong? What steps do you take? ##craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #crouzonsyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
It’s not impossible. Make it possible. Share how below
#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
Will be an awfully big adventure. #craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
Sometimes progress may feel slow, but it actually may still be happening. How are you progressing and improving your life? #craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #crouzonsyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
What positive thing have you begun doing that you hope to maintain today and for years to come? #craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
You want to do after the stay- at-home orders are lifted?
I’d like to go to a baseball game with family.
#craniofacial #cleftpalate #cleftlip #cleftstrong #choosekind #apertsyndrome #crouzonsyndrome #pfeiffersyndrome #facialpalsy #facialparalysis #hemifacialmicrosomia #goldenharsyndrome #microtia #artesia #craniosynostosis #treachercollins #antleybixlersyndrome #millersyndrome #nagersyndrome #neurofibromatosis #moebius #pierrerobinsequence #fibrousdysplasia #chronicillness #raredisease
How do you handle pre-surgery anxiety or the fear that comes before a medical procedure? I like to focus hard on taking care of myself. I also consciously catch my worry thoughts and say “nope I’m going to set aside time to worry about it tomorrow morning on my way to the hospital.” What are some other ways to manage the “surgery scaries?”. #craniofacial #ApertSyndrome #CrouzonSyndrome
What are you reading? Do you want to start, but feel overwhelmed? Don’t worry, do what you can with what you have. Check out a few lines of poetry or text? Revisit your favorite book. You got this. #craniofacial #CrouzonSyndrome