Hi, my name is Kim Meinerth. I turned 70 last Spring. I have worked for major computer and graphics companies since 1978. I currently live in south Santa Clara county, CA. I am currently working for AMD as a Senior Fellow System Architect. I've been diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS this past summer. I am currently on medical leave to focus on my health.
Vertigo started in my early 30s with week-long episodes. I believe that my balance started to deteriorate then too. Had an MRI (1985), but my Neurologist in MA could not find MS lesions. He did find an issue in I believe my brain stem. Had a spinal tap and found no signs of MS.
In early 2018 Stanford HC MS specialist neurologist Dr. Lock studied the 1985 MRI and found the MS lesions.Dr Lock confirmed my MS diagnosis with more brain & spine MRIs in early 2018.
I also had a bad case of mononucleosis in 1971 that was likely the trigger for my MS journey.
We believe that my walking gait issues started in my early 40s. Balance started getting very bad, as well as, weakness, pain in my left hip, ankle. Foot drop and swinging my left leg out to avoid tripping developed later. Progression was very slow and I did not notice it until I started tripping and falling with friends asking me what happened to me.
Left arm and hand weakness started in my 60s. Left arm and hand numbness, weakness, no coordination started in June of last year after 3rd Covid virus. Left leg and arm got significantly worse with each of my 3 Covid viruses.
I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS this past summer 2024.
Vertigo seems to always be the result of intense stress, mostly self-imposed from my career.
I am looking forward to joining a MS support group.
#MightyTogether #MultipleSclerosis