Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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New here and a Covid Long-Hauler

Hello everyone. I was so excited to see that this group exists. I was diagnosed with long covid a couple of years ago when I was having prolonged difficulty breathing. X-rays found ground-glass opacity in my lungs as a result of long covid. I have had COVID-19 five different times ranging from severe to mild. As a result of the many COVID-19 infections and the Long Covid, I have developed ME/CFS. I have a long road ahead of me, but I am up for the challenge. #COVID19 #ChronicFatigueSyndrome

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is chrisparks271828. I'm here because I've had long covid for nearly 5 years. It has a major negative impact on my life, work and marriage. I'm just looking for ideas to help work around my limitations and the impact they have.


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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Kim Meinerth. I turned 70 last Spring. I have worked for major computer and graphics companies since 1978. I currently live in south Santa Clara county, CA. I am currently working for AMD as a Senior Fellow System Architect. I've been diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS this past summer. I am currently on medical leave to focus on my health.

Vertigo started in my early 30s with week-long episodes. I believe that my balance started to deteriorate then too. Had an MRI (1985), but my Neurologist in MA could not find MS lesions. He did find an issue in I believe my brain stem. Had a spinal tap and found no signs of MS.

In early 2018 Stanford HC MS specialist neurologist Dr. Lock studied the 1985 MRI and found the MS lesions.Dr Lock confirmed my MS diagnosis with more brain & spine MRIs in early 2018.

I also had a bad case of mononucleosis in 1971 that was likely the trigger for my MS journey.

We believe that my walking gait issues started in my early 40s. Balance started getting very bad, as well as, weakness, pain in my left hip, ankle. Foot drop and swinging my left leg out to avoid tripping developed later. Progression was very slow and I did not notice it until I started tripping and falling with friends asking me what happened to me.

Left arm and hand weakness started in my 60s. Left arm and hand numbness, weakness, no coordination started in June of last year after 3rd Covid virus. Left leg and arm got significantly worse with each of my 3 Covid viruses.

I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS this past summer 2024.

Vertigo seems to always be the result of intense stress, mostly self-imposed from my career.

I am looking forward to joining a MS support group.

#MightyTogether #MultipleSclerosis

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Stepping up to the plate

So, my daughter booked a Valentine’s Day photo shoot with her boyfriend. But he has Covid. Her cat, Teddy, was willing (well….) to take his place. Isn’t he so handsome?

#Bipolar #Depression #GAD #OCD . #PTSD

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Today so far

I went to my psych office for the COVID booster this afternoon. It went fine, no pain. When I went to ask for the receptionist to let my driver know I was ready, she handed me a $25 gift card. I was gonna get some vape juice tonight and I'll use the gift card.

I did a big dumb thing and went to the appointment without taking my pain meds. By the time I got home I could hardly move without crying. Pauley gave me a 5mg Norco and 2 aspirin. I've been laying down for about an hour and a half but OMG the pain is at 8.

The lady who delivers my meds just called to say she's 10 minutes away and there's no way I can handle walking up and down my stairs. Pauley is gonna get my meds for me. When she gets back in I'm gonna ask her to come goop my back with CBD cream.

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Grief, more grief and the stresses to the mind and body that followed for me.

My father has passed and the “grieving slowly” of the past year now changes form. I have had so many body parts moving through it with me. Over a year of continuous chronic migraine, covid, bowel issues resulting in being placed on a strict diet (for someone who is eating disordered), doctor finding an tumour, the many mood swings of bipolar disorder, anxiety caused chest pain yesterday feeling totally overwhelmed by it all and then my body pulled total muscle paralysis for over 6 hours. I’ve been awake all night and I’m finally able to move without as much pain (with walker). I’m at least attempting to talk about it now and I have a session with my therapist today.

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