Does it really matter?
It seems that regardless of what I do or say, nothing matters. I keep trying my best to help my family and it’s never enough.
Wife wanted a garden and said she’d help with it. Yet, all of it falls to me.
My oldest , who is 21, is finally asking for a car and wants our help, but my credit is poor and my wife wants to dictate what she gets even to the point of telling me that I should withdraw the money from my daughter’s account and just buying her whatever I can find. (I think that’d be a form of theft even though she’d be getting a car).
I cook, do dishes, grocery shop, try to tend to what my children need, and take care of the one entity in my life that doesn’t seem to think I’m a failure (my dog). I can only find part-time work, so I do it, not out of satisfaction, but out of necessity.
I’ve tried to start my own business as I’m a rather good weaver, but it’s not generating any business. Another try, another fail.
It seem like all I ever do is fail. I can’t do enough or earn enough to give them what they want. When I give my time, which is often, it doesn’t matter to them much.
Heck, my wife hasn’t even been intimate with me for a decade now.
I’m so tired of it all. Just feeling like my life doesn’t really matter and no one will really listen anymore. #Lifesucks #DoIReallyMatter #WhyTry #depressed #failure