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Got no one

I hate where I live I hate my mental disability I feel so so low so so alone so down 24 7, im in so much mental pain. So much sadness. I have partner who says things like I embrace the sadness, I like being sad etc etc I want to leave but I can’t, I have no funds nor job no mental ability to do that. My family only help me and support me when they aren’t busy to talk but no of them help me properly in running away from my life of pain. I think I complain to much to people maybe. I feel so sad all the time. I’m waiting on new meds from the doctors and counciling but doubt it will cure it because it’s been 20 years from 13-33 years old. I wish I wasn’t alive but too sad to end the pain. Someone help me ;-( I feel so alone in this sadness I can’t cope with anything and just want to be loved and someone’s special person I just want to be happy and not so low all the time even when I appear happy. #depressed #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder ?? #sensitive #HSP #Caregiving #mood

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× " Why Are Manager's Especially G.M.'s Get Very Defensive And Agaitated... When Employee's Ask Question's... " × #Annoyed #exhusted

° " So After Work My Main Female Boss Asked Me... If I Would Work 2 Night Shift's... Um OK Whatever.. I Said Yes... And Then All I Asked Was If I Was Going To Get Paid Alittle More... For Working The Night Shift... And She Gave Me Additdude... She Told Me That She Wasn't Going To Pay Me.. More For 2 Day's Of Working Night's... So That Really Answered My Real Question.. About A Pay Raise After All The B.S. I Do At This Place.. People And Companie's Are Definitely Greedy... So Still It's Going To Happen Everywhere Else... Then Why Ask Me For Help If You Don't See Any Value In Me Or My Work Ethic At All.." #depressed Sincerely, •S.K.•

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Depression and anxiety

Dealing with depression and extreme anxiety alone. I wake up and walk around everyday and handle these things alone, nobody to turn to and no friends to distract me. Sometimes it hard asf.
Trusting anyone is also hard asf, I don't trust anybody to even develop friendship anymore. It's like double ended sword

#Anxiety #Depression #CPTSD #depressed #MentalHealth

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Every Despondent Day

Today is one of those days. You know the kind. The kind where no matter what people say, look, do cheering up is just not happening. Short of someone telling me, I won the lottery. My total take home amount after taxes is 1 billion dollars, yeah, cheering up is not in the cards. I am not sure how many others are out there who have these days. These days you feel trapped. Since my divorce, I have no car, and no official income. I live with my retired parents and unemployed brother.(I am not sure why he doesn't even try to get a job but I am sure something is wrong with his spirit. He has mental issues of his own too. So, I try to cut him some slack.) I've been applying for menial jobs just to have some stream of income, with absolutely no success. Sure, I am halfway through a data analytics course. I have been working on this for 3 months. However, that brings in no income. On days like this I feel like I have climbed halfway up the depression hole, only to discover I am still at the bottom. All of the climbing you did yesterday was around the hole, not upwards. Also, by the way, the hole gets deeper every day. On days like this, my 100 square foot room feels like a glorified prison. I know I need to cry. I know I feel like this because I am exhausted and weary of the daily wear and tear life puts on us but there is no way to activate the catharsis because I officially have no one who "gets it". I have no one who gets me. I just want someone to give me a call, tell me, "Let's go have some fun. Don't worry I will pay." I want to get you out of the house. I want to get you away from the oppressive life you live with older Christian puritanical judgmental parents and family on watch, an annoying brother who will not get off the couch and bleeding clipped wings that long to escape this mind and body. Yeah, it's one of those days you have to wait it out.

#Depression #depressed #lonely #hopeless #MentalHealth #exhausted #weary #stuck #prison #catharsis #Isolation #Judgement #Escape #Needabreak #Fun #betterdays #Divorced #single #unemployed #noincome #livingwithparents #careerchange #financialstress#waitingforbetterdays

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Dating with bipolar, trichotillomania and c-ptsd

I've been talking to a guy for a while know, and we're meeting up this weekend. He's started asking questions about why I'm on #Disability , what my #Bipolar (the only thing I've been open about yet) affects me and would affect us if we ended up dating. How and when do I open up about all the other stuff? I don't wanna #Trauma dump on him, but some of it really needs to be told so he can understand why I am the way I am. It's not something I'll be able to, or want to, hide. My #Trichotillomania gets bad when I'm #depressed , #anxious or get #triggered . Since I've been in a #depressive episode for a really long time now and struggle a lot with #SuicidalIdeation and thoughts about #Selfharm it's important he knows some stuff. I've been in #SelfharmRecovery for almost a year and a half and my scars are bad and ugly. I know he'll ask questions, and I have no clue how to open up to him as I barely know the guy.. Do you guys have some tips?

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Sick and Lonely.

#AutismSpectrum #Autism #depressed #Anxiety #CheckInWithMe

I am catching a cold and I am lonely. My parents have the same thing as well so I have not seen them in a while. I do not have any friends where I live except for them.

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