Must be something wrong with me and this shouldn’t hurt anymore but it does. I was invited out today for dinner and drinks with a “friend” for her birthday. She invited me a week ago and I was excited to get out of the house for once (i live in the middle of a highway and don’t drive. I have 2 children under 3 and am alone with them everyday). She text me again 2 days ago to see if I’m still able to come . I text her this morning to get a time for meet up and I’m told her plans changed and she went to the city with the other friends that were invited along. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a hard to talk to person. I understand plans change and that’s okay. I understand that it’s her birthday and she can do what she wants with whoever she wants. My problem is that I wasn’t messaged to have the common courtesy of knowing plans were different and that this happens every time she invites me somewhere. I usually show up and no one else does and they don’t answer me for days after. This also happens with everyone else who ever makes plans with me. But then all of these “friends” get mad when I say I don’t have friends. I’m only good to people if I’m listening to their problems and say zero about my own life. And I’m not worthy of hanging out with anyone. I feel like a big laughing stock, like it’s some long running joke to see if they can break me and everyone who pretends to want me around is in on it. I don’t know why I keep being stupid enough to fall for it and allow it to hurt me.