Idk if anyone else has had such a bad experience as me, but if youre looking for a smart watch to help keep up w your HR. I definitely dont recommend getting a Fitbit Sense watch even if they say its the best on the market, it isnt.

Mine has let me down time and time again and has caused me to put myself in dangerous situations unknowingly.

i dont think ill trust fitbit again, after spending $200 on this watch for christmas i had to turn around and buy a $500 one so i know im safe.

I have POTS and it affects my day to day but i dont feel it as much when it get dangerously high so my fitbit is supposed to notify me when it gets high but never has. At times it's told me my HR is 90bpm but when looking at my PulseOX it's been 180-210 so thats great....

-1000/10 #FitbitSense #Fitbit #POTS #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #LivingWithPOTS