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#MiniHarvest is still a harvest

I had something better typed up and then my phone wigged out. I just wanted to share what my plants surprised me with today. I hit 2 cups! of raspberries, a handful of basil and dill. Tomorrow will possibly be a cucumber, zuchinni, some strawberries, and surely more raspberries. I'll be putting my new dehydrator to use soon by testing it with the raspberries and later to be used on wild blackberries still developing on my hillside. Last year, I havested gallon sized zippy bags of berries that I kept in my freezer and lost them in the ice storm from lack of power. I decided to try a more secure method of saving them by drying them out.

This just puts to mind that baby steps matter and to be easy on yourself. #MiniHarvest is still a harvest and every mistake is the dance of progress.

#PlantMomForLife #EDS #zebrastrong #fobromyalgia #GardenForMentalClarity

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#ChronicFatigue #, #fobromyalgia #

#trouble recovering my energy#

I had a family member visit from December 25 to the 28th. Since then I feel like I've been hit by a truck. I'm just so tired, no energy and I feel guilty for doing nothing so I can get back some energy to get out a bit to do errands. It depresses me to think that every time I do grocery shopping or general errands that it takes me two days to recover. This time its taking me longer. Can anyone relate to this a d do you have any suggestions on how to manage this?



Wow I have always had some fatigue, over the last couple of weeks or maybe months it has gotten so much worse. They are doing a sleep study on me this week but until we find out what is going on they have taken away my driving privileges because basically I’m driving drunk even though there is absolutely no alcohol involved. I’m also slurring my words when talkin. Does anybody else have this with their fibromyalgia? Is this fibromyalgia related? #fobromyalgia #Fatigue