Why do I always run away from love? I run away from it because I fear it, I fear rejection, I fear not being good enough, I fear being vulnerable, I fear getting hurt. In my head, I know that love is not always rainbows and butterflies, but I still have this habit of running away from it rather than experiencing it. I was in a sexual relationship with a guy I used to talk to for five years. We weren't exclusively dating or anything like that. We were having casual fun together. I stood up for myself and told him this sexual relationship that we had going on had to stop, he understood, and we agreed to be friends. We became close friends, and there were times I pushed him away. Now that we're not friends anymore, I regret breaking things off with him because I know there is still love there. He was someone who truly and genuinely loved and cared for me and wanted to be with me, but then that fear popped up in my head. It's probably too late for me to get him back. Ugh, this sucks so bad.