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I don’t trust this world, especially when it comes to being autistic | TW vent, swearing, all caps, ableism

I wish the DSM haven’t changed the Autism label to include “disorder”. My autism is NOT A FUCKING DISORDER!! Although I do get those who do believe that their experience is disordered, and that is valid and fine! I just mean generally when ASD is used to describe the whole community… I hate it. With a passion.

Autism is a spectrum. “Low functioning” and “high-functioning” are harmful terms for the community (unless there is any way to reclaim these labels and genuinely make sense, maybe not using “functioning” because what?)

We are not born with “defects” or “impaired” (unless an autistic individual genuinely view their autism this way in a non-ableist way) and the DSM symptoms was written to (maybe unintentionally) put blame on us for being different and having different social communications.

There is no such fucking thing as a “look” to having autism.

It’s not just men that can have autism. Woman/womxn and those outside of the binary spectrum (e.g. non-binary) can, too.

The puzzle design has been ruined because of a shit ableist company called Autism Speaks, and it grosses me out every fucking time I see it now.

I lost one of my ex-favorite singers 4 years ago because she turned ableist towards the autistic community.

I’m extremely sensitive to ableism when it comes to autism… because I feel like not many allistics (non-autistics) really get us… I’m scared to fucking go out again. I feel like I can mostly trust autistic individuals to talk to without being judged or thought of a ridiculous misconception. I’m scared to interact with most neurotypicals again because I fear of what they actually think of me or what common misconception they think of autists. I’m so sick of this….. I almost wish that I wasn’t autistic so that I no longer have to deal with knowing the existence of these fucking stereotypes and misconceptions and stigma that I involuntarily have to possibly face! This sucks!!! Why is it so scary being a part of such a small yet pretty misunderstood group?!! I don’t want to hide who I am, but I don’t want folks/folx to start thinking of stereotypes if I do wear an autism pin again!

(please don’t call me human, I non-pessimistically and spiritually think otherwise mentally, I get species dysphoria being called human and will just make things worse so please respect this, thank you!)

#Anxiety #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #MyAutismIsNotADisability #Stigma #sad #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #OSTD #OtherSpecifiedTraumaDisorder #Vent #triggerwarning #LGBTQIA

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A good day #ChronicPain #PTSD #Depression #sad #mentalillnesses

I feel good an I’m happy about that yet I’m worried, my reason is today I felt little pain an discomfort. It’s was a good day I even just got back from a walk . It’s cold outside 20 degrees . I feel worried that something like death is coming being Iv heard rumored that most people that hurt or die always seem to talk about having a good day before the die . My cousin who use to chat with online for a few years was always sick 🤧 or hurt in some way then one day he was feeling good and cleaned his room had conversation was happy an stuff the next day he was dead .an it’s not the only time I have heard that type of thing happening , an me I been hurting for over a decade. An today I felt pretty good . Even slept half the day not sure why I’m mentioning it maybe I think I’m gonna die soon to an don’t want to .

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Hello I’m looking to chat to learn how to socialize, for some reason I always seem to want to talk about my problems I scare people away they respond to me by texting you need a doctor or a psychiatrist. And in my head I feel like I don’t belong there chatting because they are not like me . How am I gonna learn to be an chat like a person who hasn’t experienced the things I have that changed me ? #ChronicPain #PTSD #Depression #Trauma #sad

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I fell pain , I’m a bit lost in life #ChronicPain #PTSD #Depression #sad #Trauma #ADHD #mentalabuse #mentalillnesses

I am stuck in my head from doing what I fell is right so I waste lots of time doing other stufff and resting . I got issues with all the hashtags above . I fell like I’m wasting my time for no reason and I’m tired of it plus it makes me upset .
I am gonna give it till this end of summer in hopes I can get back on my feet . I want to mention I was asked to leave a bar an grill last week had 3 beers and was giving a receipt an told to go talk to the manager. I asked to pay my tab didn’t leave a tip and walked out . I fell they did that because I drink fast being I an issue with chronic pain that gets severe at times I go drink like 4-6 beers which eases my pain and I can sit still an relax at least for a little while but this day they didn’t serve me so I split . I can only imagine how I looked sitting at the bar in discomfort trying to have some beers to easy it . I must have looked like a weirdo . Lol how awful 😞 I’m gonna miss that place I don’t want to go back there’s no reason which hurts but what can I do . Either way I see it as a good reason to stop drinking and to take another path an try to better myself . Good news though I got a doc appointment soon an I might be able to get some proper meds so I don’t have to use alcohol and pot to easy it .

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I just heard from a friend

I was so sad not having heard from my friend since last week. I got so happy seeing her text I cried a bit and now I’m sharing that here . Is that normal. We are not romantically involved with each other yet I often find myself looking for her to text . #ChronicPain #Depression #sad #PTSD

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I feel ugly from last night

Hello I done something that bothers me , I sent 15 years drug an alcohol free aside from prescription meds . 5 months ago I had a beer and since have made a habit of stopping for dinner an a drink at a bar an grill always 2-4 beers food an home . Last night I had like a six pack and came home then I saw a fire next door and started talking to the tenants there who I thought were buying turns out the just rent an passing through. What mad me feel only is I asked them to roll a joint , they tried an so I only asked cause I was drunk and wanted to hangout with others . But I left home even though they invited me to go over .
This morning I woke an have felt ashamed all day I didn’t even leave my house till it was dark to get groceries. I feel so ugly inside for doing that , my plan is to stop alcohol consumption again being I’m not controlling myself while on it . And I just don’t know what to say to my neighbors now I want to apologize but am self conscious to go do that . #Depression #ChronicPain #MentalIllness #sad #Trauma

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One of these days…

I’ll move out of this country entirely and never come back… I hate the US with a passion more than ever now. Extremely disappointed, as an American myself. I’ve lost all faith for this country. I honestly wish I wasn’t American.

#sad #Anxiety #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #AutismSpectrum #MyAutismIsNotADisorder #OSTD #Furious #LGBTQIA #ScrewTrump

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2 beautiful memories

When my daughter was little we had a bedtime routine. We'd cuddle with our plushies and watch a Disney movie together. One night when the movie was starting she said "mommy, we need to talk". I thought I was in trouble but she said it was very important. She scooted close to me and put her arm around me. She said "you're very handsome. Mommies aren't supposed to be handsome, they're supposed to be beautiful. But that's ok because you're a good person and I love you. I don't know why Daddy says you're a freak."


One day I said to my daughter "let's go hunting for fairies" and she said "fairies don't exist and magic isn't real. Daddy says so." I replied "anything good can exist if you believe with your whole heart". She decided to go look in the backyard by the rocks. 10 minutes later she came running, shouting "mommy Mommy I found magic!" She opened her hands and showed me a plain grey rock. I said " nice job .." but she said "no, there's more!" And she turned over the rock to reveal crystals! She found a geode!

#sad #Depression #Memories #FamilyAndFriends

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I don't want to cook

I want someone else to make me a grilled cheese sandwich with butternut squash soup. I feel incredibly depressed and sad. It's mostly from cabin fever. I haven't gotten out for an adventure since September 7th. I've gone to cooking class but that doesn't count. I want to get out with my caregiver for bubble tea and dinner. Then I want to come home and cuddle while we watch TV. I just really want to spend quality time with her.

#sad #Depression #Loneliness

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I'm feeling incredibly depressed

I've decided not to make dinner tonight. I just feel really down and sad. I'm craving baked Brie with fig jam and prosciutto in puff pastry. It's so decadent. I didn't take my butter out of the fridge so it could soften for grilled cheese sandwiches. And I don't have anything thawed out for dinner. My caregiver said she'd make herself some oatmeal. She said she'd clean the kitchen tonight. It's really bad. I asked her if we could go out on Sunday for a date day and she said we could go to the flea market that's 8 minutes from my apartment. I said I was really craving bubble tea cuz the store I wanted to go to is nextdoor to my favorite bubble tea shop. I'm really disappointed. We haven't gone out together in over 5 months. I just wanted to have fun.

#Depression #sad #Disappointed #Caregiving

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