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“I can do all this through Him who gives me strength.”

I know personally how hard it is to be content in your current circumstances. I know personally how hard it is to be content in patiently waiting for God to point you the way you should go on a certain job title that suits you. I know personally how hard it is to watch the people you knew going far in life when you feel like you’re stuck in one place. The list goes on.

While social media is good to stay in touch with family members and friends who are in another state/country, social media can also be one of Satan’s greatest weapons to throw at you in your mind with a dagger for you to compare your life at the moment with other people’s life’s, make you feel insecure about your looks if you see someone who looks prettier or healthier and your wardrobe if you see someone who has better clothes than you do, make you feel like you’re not wise enough or worthy enough to get a job no matter how many times you’ve applied for jobs, make you feel like your walk with God is not as powerful or strong as others do, and vice versa.

I know this is easier said than done, but don’t give in to Satan’s mind games. If you see someone going higher on the mountain God has put them on, cheer on for them to keep going headstrong with obedience! Compliment someone on how gorgeous or good-looking they look today because they might have posted that selfie for an extra confidence boost! Compliment someone on their outfit for today because they are killing the look! Compliment someone on their health journey and give them some encouragement to keep moving forward! Congratulate someone on their promotion or getting a job because they’ve been fighting hard to get that job title! Joyfully and genuinely praise for those true children of God for how far they have come on their journey with God!

Be content in where you are today. God put you where you are today in your life for a very good reason. Let God give you the strength and renew your mind to be content in whatever it is you may be going through right now. Bloom where God has planted you.

*Reference: Philippians 4:11-13

#Content #contentment #GodisGood #GodsPresenceIsEnough #Godlovesyou #GodlyAdvice #Godbelievesinyou #Godcaresforyou #Godisincontrol #encouragement

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The book of Job in the Bible is something that has helped me keep a positive outlook during my suffering and trying times with my chronic illness. I have found that God is a good God and that sometimes he allows things into our life that are extremely hard, but he promises that he will work all things for our good. It may not be today or even in this lifetime, but I do know that suffering builds character. I don’t know what he has in store for me but I’ve grown closer to him in my suffering and it’s worth it. I’m thankful for the things that I can still do. I was really upset for a long time over the things that my chronic illness took from me, upset over all the things that I couldn’t do. I grieved my old life and now I’m ready to live in this new life. I can’t do anything about yesterday or tomorrow but I can do the best I can do today. Job, in the Bible, never seen why he suffered on this earth but he seen God and that was enough. God’s presence is enough. ##GodsPresenceIsEnough

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