Anyone with EDS experience “trigger finger”?
I guess I never realized that it’s not “normal” for one’s fingers to lock around an object after holding it for too long lol.
For me it’s a cell phone, a book or a coffee mug, or a pen. I can’t place an exact timeline for this phenomenon in my life, but I feel like it’s been happening as long as I can remember. Most recently, my right hand feels very tight when I wake up in the morning, and when I close my hand, my fingers, especially the ring and middle, sort of lock up and pop upon reopening.
This is interesting, since I was recently dismissed by the rheumatologist that I sought for my Ehlers-Danlos diagnosis, bc he said he couldn’t help me.
He DID, however diagnose me with hEDS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and osteoarthritis.
But upon examining my hands, he said I didn’t have any qualifying signs of anything he could treat me for.
I’m rambling.
It’s frustrating.
I’m in a lot of pain, in multiple places (Mainly my neck and back, due to bulging disks) and the meds I’m given don’t help much. They do however, make me feel weird and out of it.
Which I hate.

#hypermobileEhlers -DanlosSyndrome #Fybromyalgia
#ChronicFatigue #Osteoarthritis