I can no longer tell ppl i have any type of mental illness. When i do and I’m having what (they)consider a good day/ mania esp. The first words out of their mouth’s are “well you look fine to me”and “you were just happy the other day” or I think you just want attention “. Now whats wrong with you?” “Well everyone has problems your not the only one” “You just have to fight harder” And just pray about it. So i have too downplay like nothing’s wrong with me just so i don’t lash out and get called crazy. Which makes it 10 times worse. Lately i stopped going to Hall Not because I don’t love god but because I’m in a mood where I want to be by myself. I don’t speak to my parents as much because There’s no connection. And I’m tired of trying to make it happen. They just think i have anger issues. typical. I don’t want to go out if not most of the time. Some days I don’t want to be around people. I feel like I’m getting overwhelmed or too much stimulation I don’t know. My stomach always hurts and my head never stops hurting. I have mental issues please stop trying to demean nor belittle me....
#CheckingIn #SocialAnxiety #Respectme