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What’s the point of #CheckingIn or #Askingforhelp

I’m in a BAD place. My whole life, every aspect, has just imploded & I’m just not seeing much point in carrying on anymore. I reached out and told some people that I was reaching my breaking point last wknd. They have been lifelong bffs that I thought were my support system. Not one of them has checked on me for a week. I’ve been alone with my destructive thoughts, feeling like I’m drowning, and the people I thought would be there aren’t. I’m not usually so fatalistic, and it’s very hard for me to ask for help, so when I do it’s a big deal. But they’ve all just brushed it off, and now I feel like it’s a sign that maybe it is just time to be done with this life. #MentalHealth #Depression #Anxiety #ChronicPain #RheumatoidArthritis #Fibromyalgia #AbusedTeacher #Loneliness

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× " Hello There! Mighty Fam!"× #CheckingIn #P .T.S.D#Depression #SocialAnxiety

° " Well I Have Been Working Alot More... And Mentoring New Employee's... But Nobody Can Never Do What I Do.. These People Last A Few Week's And Then Start Missing Work. I Got Called Into Work. On My Day Off. I Didn't Answer My Phone. It's My Day Off.... And A Shift Leader Got Fired Yesterday.. Mistreat Customer's And Spread Untrue Rumor's About People At Work. But Hopefully Now I Can Work In Peace... Why Can't People Just Simply Be Kind... To One Another... " ° #Stress Sincerely, • S.K.•

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• "Hey There ! Mighty Family" ○ #CheckingIn

☆ " So I Had A Busy Day At Work... A Lady Came In Looking Alittle Sad And Was Starving... So She Wanted A Steak Taco... But The Steak Is Expensive So I Helped Her Out And Gave Her A Military Discount Which Is %15 Off.. And I Also Threw In 2 Extra Tortilla's For Her... She Was So Greatful For My Kindness... That She Told My Boss How Nice I Was To Her... And My Boss Smiled And Said I Know... Will This Lead To A Raise Don't Bet On It.. But Anyway's That Was My Day Making People Happy..." • Sincerely, ☆ S.K. ☆

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Been away missing you guys!

Hi everyone. I havent had the internet since February and have SO missed all of you! Ive checked out a hotspot from the library and have it for a few days, so the first thing I wanted to do is come here. 😊
I hope everyone is doing good or at least as good as you can be right now. Ive missed being here so much. Life has been a little overwhelming lately—-I have to move and dont know where I’ll be living yet, and health stuff is about the same. Ive felt pretty crazy for awhile but the minute I came here and started reading posts I felt like I was calming down, like I was home. I cant tell you how good that feels! Love you all so much and hope to get in some good time here before I have to take the hotspot back!

#Love #Bipolar2 #ADD depression #undiagnosedstomachpain #ChronicPain #ChronicFatigue #CheckingIn

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☆ " 👋 Mighty Peep's!!! " #CheckingIn #Update

☆ " So I Have Been Busy Working And Applying For Stuff.. I Already Have An Appointment For SSA In April And I Just Did Medicaid And SNAP... I Just Really Want To Be Off My Feet From Standing 8+ Hour's A Day.. And To Finally Be Away From Nosy Mean People... But Until Then It's The Neverending Waiting Game With These People..." ☆ ▪︎♤▪︎SKAOI KVITRAVN▪︎♤▪︎ #Stressedout

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Good Feelings Today

Hey everyone, today is my first day in the group. As of today I'm feeling better. I've had a low grade depression and big time anxiety for about a year and a half. My psychiatrist added an additional medication and changed my anxiety medication. Hopefully I'll become stable. I'm recently retired from teaching special education for many years. #CheckingIn

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☆ " Life Is A Funny Thing To Live Through... " ☆ #CheckingIn

° " My Covid Adventure/Nightmare Began On Jan 10th Lasting Through Jan 17th.. But The Real Affect 's Of My Covid Started On 11th.. And Luckly I Didn't Have To Go To The Hospital.. Because Of My 2 Shot's That I Already Had... Now I'm Going To Be Very Vigilant I'm No Longer Touching Anyone Or Anything... I Don't Care If They See Me As Mean. It's Just Too Much Anxiety And Stress. People Will Continue To Come Into My Workplace Sick.. And Customer's Also. I'm Freaked Out By This Experience.. Can You Blame Me. For Wanting To Protect Myself. What If Next Time I Do End Up In The Hospital.."° #Thought 's •Skaoi Kvitravn•

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♡ " Peek-A-Boo!...@ The Mighty Fam " ♡ #Poetry #CheckingIn

• " Hey There! Longtime No See... Work Has Me At Empty Tank... But I'm Still Kicking It... My Depression Has Kinda Dissappeared. But Still Lurking... Same S### At Work Nothing New... Today I Had Nobody Yell At Me... Or Bug Or Annoy Me To Death Today... The God's Have Been Protecting Me... From Nonsense. I Miss You All So Greatly... All Of You Keep Me From... Going Somewhere Dark And Deep... And I Truly Appreciate That... All The Love In The World That You Give To Me. Is 10,000% Worth It. Idk What I Would Do Without You My Family... ▪︎ " I ▪︎ L.O.V.E ▪︎ YOU! TO THE MOON • AND •BACK GUY'S AND GAL'S... " Sincerely, ~ SKAOI KVITRAVN #AnOpenX -MasLetter

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☆ " Hey There! 👋 It's Been Awhile... Mighty Peep's " ☆ #CheckingIn

° " Well I'm Struggling With My #mental Health... And My Neverending Piling Task's Are A Drain... My #Depression #social Anxiety Disorder #Anxiety #PTSD ... Are On Overdrive... And Now My Boss Is Starting To Take Notice That I'm " NOT HAPPY " With Everything That I Do.... My Stress Is Making Me Lose My Hair... I'm So Tried All The Time... I Can't Get Any Proper Sleep... I'm Severely In Need Of Deep Sleep... People Give Me The Worst Panic Attack's.. Out Of Nowhere With There Rude And Entitled Additdude's.. I Alway's Get Yelled At For Other Co-worker's Mistake's Or Get Blamed For Something That I Never Did... I'm Just So F***** Tired .. I'm Trying My Best... Not To Break... And I'm Also Sorry For Not Posting Any Poetry Lately My Mind Is Blocking My Passion At The Moment.... " ☆ Sincerely , °SKADI KVITRAVN° #AnUpdate

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× " Anyone Miss Me Yet ? " × #CheckingIn

× " Sooo I'm Sorry I Haven't Been On Here... To Give You Daily Poetry Or Uplifting Message's.... I Have Been Very Exhausted And Busy With Work And Getting My Life Back In Order.... Boy It's Stressful Owning An As Is... Apartment For Rent... My Oven Smelled Like Gas... And The Oven Was Broken... I'm So Exhausted I Want To Go Home To Sleep In My Own Bed... Work Has Been Very Stressful As Usual.. I Mentor New Hired Employee's... But It's Not My Job To Train People It's My Bosse's Job The Assistant Manager Or The Company... If They Want Me To Mentor People Then I Should Be Paid More... If They Don't Want To Do Their Job " ×#AnUpdate ☆▪︎☆▪︎☆ SKADI KVITRAVN ☆▪︎☆▪︎☆