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× " I Don't Hate People But I Work At A Busy Restaurant..." × #idon 'tHatePeople

× " OK Sooo On My Last Post About Work Some Member's Are Confusing What I Said... And Taking Thing's Litterly... People Have A Right To Express How They Feel... I Work 8 Hour's A Day 5 Day's A Week.... At A Tiny Restaurant With An Out Door Patio... I Had A Bad Day... And Was Overwhelmed With Taking Order's... And People Accusing Me Of Getting Thier Order's Worng... So I Get Verbally Abused On A Daily Basis... Because Customer's At The Last Minute Change Thier Order's... Or Can't Pay It... Soo It's Also Frustrating Me.. Because Idk The Cash Register Well At All... I'm Good At Stocking... And Food Prep... So Why Put Me On Something That I'm Not Familiar With... This Is Why I'm Starting To Be Stressed Out At My Job... This Is 1st Experience In Food Service Ok... Give Me A Break... And Don't Leave Me Mean Comment's... " × #severedepression #Anxiety ☆☆ S.K. ☆☆


× " My Current Mood Is On Fully Drained Mode " × #Intrusive Thought's #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD

× " Sooo I'm Pretty Sure Everyone Read My Last Post... About Work... I'm Currently Not Feeling My Happy Self At The Very Moment... I Got Asked Why Do All Afican American's... Act Soo Violent Toward's Other's... And My Answer Is I Don't Know... Because I Don't Act Violent And I Don't Cause Issue's... Everywhere I Go... I Don't Have Any Answer's As To Why People Act Like Everyone Is Out To Get Each Other... 2 Of My Co-worker's Asked Me If I Act This Way When I'm Off Work.. I'm Like NO! Just Because I'm Black Doesn't Mean That You Can Automatically Assume That All Afican American's Act Violent All The Time... And "Let Me Be Clear I'm Not In No Way Being Racist's.. But Enough Is Enough With The Violence "... I Was Raised Diffrent To Love Everyone No Matter What... I'm A Good Person With No Violent Tendency To Harm Anyone... So To Put Me With The Why Do You All Act This Way All Time... Hurt's And Is Not Fair To Me At All... I Don't Want To Go To Work Anymore At This Place... Because It Seem's To Me That They Don't Do Background Check's... Because We Are Severely Short Staffed... But Still Safety Should Be A 1# Priority... And I Never Considered Myself As A Black Person... I'm A Blxcian... Half Black...But Mostly Mexican..Because Idk Anything About Afican American Culture Background's... This Disappointed Me When My Co-worker's Asked Me This... Idk Why They Do This Or Act This Way... Ask Who Ever Raised Them... Not Me S.M.D.H.. " × #idon 'tMeanToOffendAnyone... ☆☆☆ S.K. ☆☆☆


× "Why Are People So Miserable & Hateful"× #idon 'tGetIt

× " I Meet Alot Of People At My Job...And Taking Uber's To Work. I Don't Own Are Car..It's Too Expensive An Just An Added Expense To Be Honest. I Can't Drive Really Because My Right Leg Is Shorter And My Hand's Shake. Alot Of People That I Talk To Are Funny...Happy...And Not Miserable... In Fact Many People Are Just Simply Humble And Very Kind. " × There Are Only A Handful Of Nice People In This World. ☆ S. K. ☆ × #Bekind #BeHumbleInYourLife