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Hello, i'm still alive. I think I failed my oral English exam or something like that. I got too nervous and couldn't say anything right. I could feel a frantic heartbeat, cold in shaking hands and a lump in my throat. I almost died. D*** it! I don’t know whether I am glad that I am alive or sad because I have not died. 😫😫😫

- #idkwhattodo 😩
- #DontWorry, idn what to do too. ☺️
Thank you #HeartDefect . 🙃
#ifeellikemylifeisover every time I fail exam. 😅
#Headache, you are doing great 🤹‍♂️

For some reason my whole group felt that they were going to be executed...

I hope you are having a good time. That makes me happy for some reason. 🤔



after nearly 5 years in a relationship with my current partner, out of the blue today he’s told me he’s not sure if he loves me anymore and tomorrow he’s going away for two nights to decide what HE wants. He is my carer as I’m a full-timewheelchair user with no feeing from the waist down. So I’m left crying my heart out absolutely devastated that the man I Love might not love me back and he tells me he’s arranged for HIS mother to come and care for me while he’s gone. am I wrong in thinking this is wrong ???

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