I know I will be judged for this post, but I don't care. I just want to help end the stigma. I play pickleball a few mornings every week at a local gym. There is a really sweet young employee there who enjoys talking to some of us. This morning, I could tell she wanted to say something to me but was a little nervous for some reason. But she was brave enough to share that she noticed that I often seem nervous and that I often do not mingle or talk with others when I'm not on the court; she wanted to know if I was okay. Now, I didn't realize my "nervousness" was that obvious, but I am happy that she asked me about it. I shared with her a little bit that I struggle with an anxiety disorder, and that some days are better than others. This young lady appreciated that I shared about my struggle with her, but I could tell that she felt like she might have intruded. I reassured her that I was absolutely okay with her wanting to know more.

I share this because as I have gotten older, I want so badly to help end the stigma of behavioral/mental disorders. (Or maybe having my own child who also struggles has brought the mama bear out of me). I know I have been judged and, unfortunately, religious and "Christian" people are the worst about judging those of us who struggle in that area.

As much as I've tried to "cure" my disorders with professional help, I have come to terms that it will just be a lifelong struggle. I fight hard daily to keep my struggles from holding me back. In recent years, I have become more open about my struggles, but I know I will continue to be judged; I just don't care anymore. Too many people are losing their lives because of the ignorance from so many people, especially the religious ones. We must do better and end the stigma!

The next time you encounter someone who might appear aloof, anti-social, shy, or whatever, try not to judge; try to get to know that person, like my young friend at the gym did. I'm not always an easy person to get to know, but I am a loyal friend to those who accept me just the way I am, and without judgement. #EndTheStigma #ignorancekills #askdontjudge #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyawareness