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Overcoming the Invisible Battle: My Journey with Anxiety


Hi, I am part of the MBBS undergraduate journey. I faced many hardships and challenges during this journey, and I would like to share one of my personal secrets and former insecurities. I never used to talk about it with anyone. I worried about what others would think and feared they would judge me or leave me behind, making me feel alone. This is about my "anxiety issues." Not just simple anxiety, but a specific subtype.It was in 2022 when I first felt the symptoms. At that time, AI was on the rise, so I entered my symptoms into an AI bot, which suggested that I had anxiety and needed medical care. I sought medical help, and slowly, over time, my anxiety started improving. Many people with anxiety suffer in silence, not reaching out for help, or those who receive proper treatment do not talk about it much. In this modern time, no one talks about our mental problems. So, I feel compelled to share my experience in hopes that someone else might find help.

My Experience:It was my decision to seek medical help. At first, I had many questions swirling in my head: Why me? Why am I the only one affected? Will the medical help work for me? Will the treatment decrease my mental stability or my mind's retention? Will I need electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)?But hold on, after the first day, all my doubts disappeared, and I felt much better after the first counseling session. My doctors advised some investigations before starting medications. After the investigations, I attended my second counseling session. My doctor clearly explained that the medication was to be taken on an emergency basis and would not affect my mind or mental stability.After the first or second counseling session, I felt significantly better as my anxieties began to disappear, allowing me to enjoy life more easily. Sometimes, I feel lucky that I self-diagnosed the problem and sought medical help before the condition worsened.

Support System:My support system included my psychiatric doctor and their strategies. My doctor gave me ample time during counseling sessions to speak about everything that bothered me, whether it was related to my friends, class performance, or other issues. My doctor used therapy sessions to address my anxieties.Additionally, my support system included my soul sister. She had no idea what anxiety was or how I felt, but she listened to everything I said and comforted me, assuring me that everything would be fine. My family also provided support by offering comfort and understanding.

Coping Strategies:My doctor recommended a novel to help me overcome my anxieties. She even bought the novel for me. Reading it thoroughly gave me insights into various coping strategies. The strategies that worked for me included:

- Affirmations

- Diverting my mind from constantly worrying about others' opinions

- Avoiding perfectionism

- Shame attack exercises

Most importantly, accepting that I had a problem and believing that I could overcome it

Message of Hope:I always thought that overcoming anxiety was a huge task, but accepting the problem and believing in my ability to overcome it made the process easier, though not easy. Great things take time. There were times when I felt extremely anxious and hopeless, but I would recall my support systems and reach out to my sister, who would help me get through those moments. Remember, mental problems are internal and invisible to others. It's essential to gather strength within yourself and stay happy.Awareness:I once read that people often care about what is visible, focusing on physical health while mental issues go unnoticed. When untreated, they can progress to something more severe than expected. So, if you feel something is wrong, seek medical help as I did, without delay.

Conclusion:In conclusion, people may not understand what is happening in your mind, so it's our duty to seek medical help if we are not feeling well. Don't feel sad; you are not alone in this journey. Many people neglect their mental health or avoid talking about it. Focus on what you want and remember to stand up for your mental health. If I can help, feel free to reach out to me.#overcominganxiety #anxietyawareness #overcominganxiety #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #togetherwecan #breakthestigma

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is EveyRosenbloom!

I am excited to introduce myself and share my story with you. Two years ago, I hit my lowest point and was struggling with severe anxiety and depression. It was a dark and difficult time, and I felt like there was no hope for me. But then, my daughter said something that changed everything: "Mommy, you can choose to be happy."

Those words inspired me to delve into the research and find all the ways I could pull myself out of the darkness. I ended up getting certified in positive psychology and the science of well-being as part of my own healing journey. And let me tell you, it has made all the difference. I went from being bedridden to completely getting my life back. The vertigo that had been plaguing me due to a vestibular migraine diagnosis faded, and I was able to start dancing and skating around the house with my kids and waking up early in the morning to swim and go ride horses.

I am happier than ever, and I don't take anything for granted. I continue to practice everything I learned – gratitude, journaling, affirmations, mindfulness, exercise, eating to beat depression and anxiety, filtering out unnecessary stressful content, and doing more of what makes me happy.

I also started a podcast called Choose to Be Happy, where I interview experts in the field of mental health every week to share with others how they too can be happy, regardless of their circumstances. I truly believe that anyone can choose to be happy, and I hope that my podcast can help inspire and empower others to do the same.

Here is a link if you want to check it out:

I am so grateful to be a part of this community, and I can't wait to connect with all of you and share more of my journey. Thank you for reading!

Evey Rosenbloom

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #OCD #MentalHealthAwareness #wellnessjourney #selfcarematters #healingjourney #positivityiskey #selflovejourney #happinessisachoice #mentalhealthrecovery #overcominganxiety #depressionawareness #anxietyawareness #mindfulnessmatters #mentalhealthsupport #MentalHealthAdvocacy #mentalhealthcommunity #positivepsychology #PositiveVibes #scienceofwellbeing #ChooseToBeHappy

‎Choose to Be Happy on Apple Podcasts

‎Society & Culture · 2022
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Ask, Don't Judge

I know I will be judged for this post, but I don't care. I just want to help end the stigma. I play pickleball a few mornings every week at a local gym. There is a really sweet young employee there who enjoys talking to some of us. This morning, I could tell she wanted to say something to me but was a little nervous for some reason. But she was brave enough to share that she noticed that I often seem nervous and that I often do not mingle or talk with others when I'm not on the court; she wanted to know if I was okay. Now, I didn't realize my "nervousness" was that obvious, but I am happy that she asked me about it. I shared with her a little bit that I struggle with an anxiety disorder, and that some days are better than others. This young lady appreciated that I shared about my struggle with her, but I could tell that she felt like she might have intruded. I reassured her that I was absolutely okay with her wanting to know more.

I share this because as I have gotten older, I want so badly to help end the stigma of behavioral/mental disorders. (Or maybe having my own child who also struggles has brought the mama bear out of me). I know I have been judged and, unfortunately, religious and "Christian" people are the worst about judging those of us who struggle in that area.

As much as I've tried to "cure" my disorders with professional help, I have come to terms that it will just be a lifelong struggle. I fight hard daily to keep my struggles from holding me back. In recent years, I have become more open about my struggles, but I know I will continue to be judged; I just don't care anymore. Too many people are losing their lives because of the ignorance from so many people, especially the religious ones. We must do better and end the stigma!

The next time you encounter someone who might appear aloof, anti-social, shy, or whatever, try not to judge; try to get to know that person, like my young friend at the gym did. I'm not always an easy person to get to know, but I am a loyal friend to those who accept me just the way I am, and without judgement. #EndTheStigma #ignorancekills #askdontjudge #mentalhealthmatters #anxietyawareness

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Just stop a minute.

Stop a minute.

Take a deep breathe. No really stop and take a slow breathe up through your nose hold and then a slow let out.

Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our head with what is going on we forget to breathe.

Don't forget to relax and have some peace and quiet.

Peace be still as it says in the Bible. Not that easy to do but so helpful.

#anxietyrelief #anxietyawareness

#MentalHealth #MentalIllness


Suddenly Stopping EMDR Therapy Due to COVID.

therapists can use their finger or a dot to go back and forth to process tarma, if you're not easily distracted. If you're like me, you need the hand buzzers that buzz to one hand to another. Due to COVID I had to suddenly stop EMDR therapy, something therapists don't recommend. The isolation in of itself can hurt your mental health but its needed to live, going through EMDR and having a mental illness can be hard. EMDR helps process trauma but suddenly stopping EMDR in mid process is scary. I couldn't stop having very extreme anxiety BUT THE PANIC, the panic I have because of suddenly stopping is rough. I respect anyone with a neurological, physical, or mental illnesses. You guys are tough. I've found how to counteract the anxiety for me, I've been exercising everyday but Sunday to relax my body and drink chamomile tea. (This just works for me, this is not to be taken as medical advice because I'm no doctor) stay strong, just take one day at a time

#Anxiety #PanicAttacks #emdrtherapy #StayStrong #JustBreathe #Dontgivein #dontjudgewhatyoucantsee #donttakedownmypostfornoreasonplease #anxietyawareness #nottobetakenasmedicaladvice


Anxiety, The Mother of All Nervousness and The Experience

Anxiety, it's a big word with intense feelings. Sometimes just getting out of bed is worth a trophy! I've had to watch my mother go through anxiety, panic attacks and even agoraphobia that is a result of extreme anxiety/panic. (I had her permission to tell you this) everyone gets anxious every now and then but anxiety disorder is no joke! Anxiety is feels like an invisible person gut punching you. imagine trying to punch COVID-19 to keep it away from you, that's what its like with anxiety. I saw it once described as "music in gaming before a boss fight but with no boss" and that is exactly it. With generalized anxiety disorder, it's constant boss music. I've had such bad anxiety I couldn't sleep, have multiple near panic attacks and exhaustion all at once. Some may ask "what is a panic attack?" Its EXTREME anxiety that causes physical symptoms, sweating, shaking, cranky like behavior, breathing off, feeling of doom, going crazy or even dying (even though that doesn't happen).
Anxiety is very unreasonable. I take chamomile tea if my anxiety looks manageable, CBT and EMDR therapy to help my anxiety and recommend it, EMDR will get worse before better but its worth it! If you know someone with anxiety or panic attacks, give them a hug and show you care! We LOVE reassurance because our anxiety can make us lose confidence or it'll lie to us! Hug them close, show you love them and try listening to their problems because that can tame the anxiety sometimes. We may not be able to show it during that time of bad anxiety but we appreciate those who listen and help!
Love ya
-HJH the artist
#Anxiety #AnxietyDisorders #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #Therapy #Hope #ItGetsBetter #anxietyawareness #emdrtherapy

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Anxiety is frustrating

I know it's probably confusing for people to see me talk about having anxiety while simultaneously putting out content that isn't.....sugarcoated (that's best word I can think of,) but that's just what it's like for someone like me. I'm great in a high-pressure crisis. Give me an emergency to deal with and I will switch into crisis mode and start solving problems however I can. Ask me what I want for dinner or what color you should make something? I might break down on you. I can't explain WHY my brain is like this, but it is. It's helpful in a crisis, not so much at other times😂 I have learned to keep it fairly well managed by being vigilante using my anxiety cards & other techniques AND keeping up with my daily management routine. The combination of methods keeps me from being overwhelmed by anxiety, even without using medication. I've wrote about all of this on my blog for anyone interested in learning to do the same. It takes time and effort. It's not an easy, overnight fix, but it's a sustainable management method that works. For more, visit the Anxiety section of my site by visiting the link in my profile #AnxietyDisorder #Anxiety #anxietyrelief #MentalHealth #PanicDisorder #PanicAttacks #COVID19 #covıd19 #coronavirus #AloneTogether #athometogether #stayathome #stayhomesavelives #addiction #relationships #InvisibleDisability #invisibleillnesswarrior #fibrowarriors #Fibromyalgia #anxietyawareness #spooniewarrior #Spoonie #InvisibleIllnesses

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I’m so tired of this Im exhausted. I don’t even know why I’m crying. I feel so empty and numb #PTSDawareness #Depression #anxietyawareness