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Some inspiration

I recently got out of hospital and it was a hard road. Every morning in therapy I stared at the same wall of quotes and it got me through, thought I’d share:

“ if you quit now, you will end up where you started.
And when you started you would give anything to be where you are now”

“Times are tough but so are we!” #Inpiration

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Vision Board #Visionboard #Moment #happy #Inpiration #Therapy

I started a Vision Board last week and just put it up ✨ It’s still has some empty spots but they will eventually be filled as time goes by and I find things I want to accomplish, things to make me happy, inspire too etc.

I had so much fun making it and I 💕 love looking at it as I walk in and out my home everyday.
Within a few days I have already started to put a few things from the board together and it has made me happy ☺️

I recommend it to other 🌸🦄