Fitting the puzzle
I haven’t posted since finding out my diagnosis because it’s taken some time for me to come to terms with what’s a part of me. It’s a strange sensation... after battling for years to get an accurate diagnosis, getting the answers to my questions, learning why I am the way I am. I feel like a weight has been lifted, but also still feeling crushed at the same time. Yes, I have my diagnosis. But, it’s broken me to be told that recovery is going to be a super long process because medication can’t fix it. So many mental health issues can be helped with medication. Turns out, medication is a waste of time for me. The damage is emotional. It feels great to have some answers, it feels amazing to have things about me finally make some sense. But it hurts to know I’m not going to feel better for a long time. I’ve lost the hope I had that in “4-6 weeks” my dark cloud would get lighter. Medication isn’t my reality. My reality is the early intervention psychological team. Living life with #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder and #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder is my reality. It is #Mynormal. #itsoknotobeok