Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

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Trying to stop "should'ing" on myself

In therapy I've become aware of just how much and how chronically I "should" on myself.
I should have done better.
I should be doing better.
I should not be feeling what I am.
I should be working.
I should not be struggling.
I should be doing more.
And soooo many other should's...
Saw the mighty @interstellarrpuffin sharing this the other day.
And I was very grateful.
Grateful to see some alternatives to "should".
Because sometimes it's hard to know what to replace "should" with.
And it's very much a work in progress for me.
(Picture from @interstellarrpuffin )

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Trying to stop "should'ing" on myself

In therapy I've become aware of just how much and how chronically I "should" on myself.
I should have done better.
I should be doing better.
I should not be feeling what I am.
I should be working.
I should not be struggling.
I should be doing more.
And soooo many other should's...
Saw the mighty @interstellarrpuffin sharing this the other day.
And I was very grateful.
Grateful to see some alternatives to "should".
Because sometimes it's hard to know what to replace "should" with.
And it's very much a work in progress for me.
(Picture from @interstellarrpuffin )

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Monday Cheer

Another week has begun.
And another weekend has passed.
Before we get too busy and wrapped up in the new week, I thought we might take a moment and reflect on a weekend win.
I feel it can do a lot for our mental and emotional well-being to focus on what worked, what was good, and what we actually accomplished.
It doesn't have to be something "big".
ANY win counts!
Because they are all big wins in my book.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments.
So we can cheer each other on.
I'll get us started with the sharing in the comments.
And I wish you the best possible week.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Monday Cheer

Another week has begun.
And another weekend has passed.
Before we get too busy and wrapped up in the new week, I thought we might take a moment and reflect on a weekend win.
I feel it can do a lot for our mental and emotional well-being to focus on what worked, what was good, and what we actually accomplished.
It doesn't have to be something "big".
ANY win counts!
Because they are all big wins in my book.
You're more than welcome to share with us in the comments.
So we can cheer each other on.
I'll get us started with the sharing in the comments.
And I wish you the best possible week.
(Picture from Google, layout made in Canva)

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Your kind Monday reminder

Hi everyone.
Another week is ahead of us.
And I have another kind Monday for you - if you should need it.
This one is about things you should not feel guilty for - a reminder I surely need.
And it is Halloween themed.
Thought is was very cute🎃
I especially needed to hear:
"Being sensitive and emotional"
"Taking things at your own pace".
I am recovering from fall break and a vacation.
And I will definitely need to take things in my own pace this upcoming week.
I wish you the best week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Your kind Monday reminder

Hi everyone.
Another week is ahead of us.
And I have another kind Monday for you - if you should need it.
This one is about things you should not feel guilty for - a reminder I surely need.
And it is Halloween themed.
Thought is was very cute🎃
I especially needed to hear:
"Being sensitive and emotional"
"Taking things at your own pace".
I am recovering from fall break and a vacation.
And I will definitely need to take things in my own pace this upcoming week.
I wish you the best week, you can have.
(Picture from Pinterest)

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Just a humble brag

I sat through an all day training today. Yes- to most people it may seem like an everyday thing, and even to me a decade ago I’d be like “okay…?” But my mighty friends know how big of a win this can be. I’m trying not to compare where I was a decade ago to how hard it was to do it this once. Anyways- I am now certified in Mental Health First Aid for three years. Which doesn’t “do anything” but I am disabled and i am not renewing my school psych license so this helps me stay a little current and can help me find more avenues for future volunteering opportunities. I currently volunteer as a tutor for two hours a week.
But also- I finished a skirt the night before and then wore it to the training where I got a few compliments on it.

#CheerMeOn #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PanicDisorder #ADHD #GeneralizedAnxietyDisorder #ChronicVestibularMigraine

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Body Modification as a Healing Tool

For those that know me, tattoos are a big part of my life. I have six, now seven with the mushroom pictured below. For years I struggled with body dysphoria as a transgender male and body image issues from abuse and body shaming brought on by relatives. At one point, I even considered being anorexic because the abuse was bad. I still struggle with the abuse and with a lot of shame. I was taught to be perfect but I never will be and it’s about time everyone wakes up to that realization.

Body modification is a way to reclaim my body. It’s a way to say this is mine and I will decorate/modify how I please. It makes me feel unique and like I can express my individuality which was always seen as a negative trait when it’s what makes me most beautiful. I got this mushroom because well I have been smoking a lot of ganja and it brings me, most times, a sense of peace. I also love science fiction stuff and this mushroom looks like it could be straight out of an H. P. Lovecraft story. What are your own unique ways of healing? ❤️‍🩹 #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #Bipolar1

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Navigating Complex Trauma: What Causes C-PTSD and How to Heal

Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (C-PTSD), also known as complex trauma, generally stems from enduring repeated traumatic events, frequently within a close relationship, over an extended period.

Unlike single-incident PTSD, complex trauma can lead to a range of psychological and emotional challenges manifesting additional symptoms, including impaired emotional regulation, altered consciousness states, distorted self-perception, and relationship difficulties.

These challenges can significantly impact your daily functioning, relationship dynamics, and overall wellbeing.

Causes of Complex Trauma

Causes may include physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, consistent neglect (especially in childhood), bullying, exposure to domestic violence, or living through intensely threatening circumstances (such as war, for example). However, complex trauma can also develop in adulthood due to ongoing mistreatment, such as domestic violence.

Childhood Abuse or Neglect: Physical, emotional, sexual abuse, neglect, or bullying can have a profound impact on a child’s development.

Witnessing Violence: Exposure to violence, such as domestic violence of parents in your childhood, or community violence, such as repeated fights at school growing up, or worse, can be traumatic.

Prolonged Exposure to Traumatic Events: People who are repeatedly exposed to traumatic events, such as war or natural disasters, may also develop complex trauma.

How to Recognize Complex Trauma

Psychological and Emotional Symptoms

Complex trauma often manifests through intense emotional experiences, including deeper shame, guilt, or feelings of alienation. You may experience altered states of consciousness, such as memory gaps in adulthood when trying to recall parts of childhood, or a sense of detachment from your emotions or physical self. To cope, you might avoid certain places, people, or experiences in general that trigger discomfort.

Complex trauma can also affect your psychological wellbeing. You may experience a persistent sense of worthlessness and shame, significantly affecting your self-perception and self-esteem. Emotional regulation can become really challenging with C-PTSD, leading to outbursts of anger or prolonged periods of sadness. It can also lead to phobias and fears that seem to be irrational, or anxiety that danger is lurking in places (or people) even when they aren't displaying actual signs of danger. These issues can significantly disrupt social interactions and daily functioning, limiting your life, making healing a complex (but essential) journey.

Physiological Symptoms

Complex trauma can also manifest physically. You may experience hyperarousal, feeling constantly on edge with heightened startle responses. Physical symptoms often include panic attacks, light-headedness, brain fog, fatigue, nausea, recurrent headaches and migraines, persistent muscular tension, gastrointestinal distress on a consistent basis, and more. These stress-related reactions can significantly impact your daily functioning and overall health.


Complex PTSD needs a mind-body therapy approach rooted in trauma healing. While this should involve some coping techniques, a trauma approach generally requires getting to know and work through what you are carrying on a deeper level in order to reduce and be able to shed the power these traumas have asserted over your emotional, psychological, and physiological wellbeing.

Other Coping Strategies


Self-care plays an important role in managing complex trauma symptoms and enhancing overall wellbeing. This includes anything from diet, to regular physical activity, such as walking, running, yoga, or swimming, for example. Physical activity generally helps to reduce stress, release tension, and help with mood regulation. Self-care also includes finding things that nurture you in other emotional ways, as well -- for some this can be reading, writing, art and other creative outlets, seeing friends, and anything else that's helpful for you.

Trauma Therapy

Remember, self-care is an essential part of healing, but it doesn't replace the deeper healing work that needs to be done. Often people try to use coping techniques to replace the deeper healing, and what eventually tends to happen is the deeper traumas that go unaddressed start to grow and take over, and can make it so the coping tools are no longer as effective. It's important in therapy to figure out the coping techniques that work for you, so you also have them available to you alongside the deeper explorative work.

#complextrauma #Trauma #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #Migraine

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We made it! Wanna share a win?

You probably know what time it is;)
It's time for the "It's Friday. We made it!!" post.
Because we made it another week.
However you got through;
You got through.
And I am so proud of you.
Many of you are up against some serious health challenges.
But you do you best.
And give it your all - however that may look on any given day.
Do you want to take a moment and reflect on a win from your week, or a glimmer, or maybe some gratitude?
You're most welcome to share with us in the comments.
As always; I'll get us started with the sharing.
(Picture from Google)

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