Hi, my name is ADHDSTARS78. I'm here because firstly i need a break from all the other apps, no one knows me on here? And you can forget thread’s!😂😂 Insta everyone is watching every move i make and Fb is a huge trigger! 🤦🏼‍♀️💯So i have Adhd, Ocd, anxiety and depression sometimes? I am also recovering from a past filled with drugs, oh and i love Jesus, he brought me out and away from those drugs! Hallelujah! I have a 15 year old daughter who lives with her Dad as i have been recovering from a car accident i had back in 2015. So yeah thats me. Xx 💜🦋 #ADHDInGirls #jesuseverything #OCD #Depression #AddictionRecovery

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #ADHD #OCD #AutismSpectrumDisorder