ADHD in girls

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All the wait modes

Hi, I'm here because I'm struggling to manage my business and life while waiting for titration for late-diagnosed ADHD (diagnosed 7 months ago, referred 1.5 years ago) age 34.
I'm also post-breakup housemates (amicable, still painful) with my ex, and waiting to move into my own apartment late next month.
I'm exhausted from all the waiting and "just hanging in there a bit longer". I want a fighting chance at some independence, already 😔
#ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #Migraine #MentalHealth

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Another thing I wrote on using our language to empower ourselves and I hope everyone is having a good day

The words we choose hold immense power in shaping our mental health journey. Using language that empowers and motivates fuels resilience and determination. Celebrating small victories and reframing setbacks as temporary challenges encourages perseverance and self-compassion. Embracing strength-based language cultivates a mindset of possibility and growth, guiding us towards a more positive and supportive relationship with ourselves on our mental health journey. #Addiction #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #Neurodiversity Why Our Words Matter in our Mental Health Journey

Why Our Words Matter in our Mental Health Journey

Why Reframing My Self-Talk Was a Game Changer in My Mental Health and Recovery Journey
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Here’s a quote from the book I am writing for a little #MondayMotivation and don’t forget to validate yourself it takes a lot of strength to be open #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Neurodiversity #Depression #BipolarDepression

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Progress is different for everyone because each person has unique circumstances, goals, and challenges. Factors such as individual experiences, resources, and personal values. These things shape the way progress is defined and achieved. This diversity means that comparing one’s progress to another’s can be misleading and unfair. It’s important to recognize that each journey is personal, and people's varied paths contribute to a richer, more diverse society.

Accepting and valuing these differences fosters empathy and understanding, allowing everyone to celebrate their and others’ successes, no matter how distinct they may be. As a personal example, I used to base my progress on others and set extremely unrealistic standards and goals for myself, and I just ended up feeling frustrated. Still, now I base it on my progress, and I’m more compassionate with myself and patient. #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Depression #RepetitiveMotionDisorders #coping

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I used to discuss with clients how to transition from letting things and people define me in my journey. For instance, I struggled with discussing my mental health and challenges, feeling as though they controlled me because I stigmatized myself. So, each day, I asked myself what small action I could take to define my journey. I sought support only from qualified individuals, eventually empowering me to avoid being defined by others’ unhelpful and problematic beliefs and opinions.

Remember, it’s not about achieving perfection immediately. It’s about taking small steps to realize your potential, and that’s empowering too. Remember you got this even on your hardest days and that reaching out for help processing and going through challenging moments is more a sign of strength.

Also, it is not about not having those moments or challenging thoughts or memories that define progress. It’s about how you relate, define, process and acknowledge them because sometimes our biggest milestones and progress are the things that are unseen in our journey that we don’t realize are progress.  #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #BipolarDisorder #AnorexiaNervosa #Anxiety #Depression #LearningDisabilities #SubstanceUseDisorders #Neurodiversity

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One of my favourite tools to use for gaining an understanding our challenging thoughts & feelings

The 3 Cs (Catch, Check, Change) offer a powerful strategy for reframing negative thoughts and emotions.

First, Catch yourself in the act of negative thinking. Notice the self-talk and the feelings it evokes.

Then Check the validity of your thoughts. Are they rooted in reality or are they distorted?

Finally, Change your perspective by challenging negativity with more balanced and empowering thoughts.

By acknowledging and validating your feelings throughout this process, you can navigate challenges with greater self-compassion and resilience.
#ADHD #ADHDInGirls #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Addiction #AddictionRecovery #Trauma #Depression #Grief

Mastering the Three C's of CBT: Catch it, Check it, and Change it

Mastering the Three C's of CBT: Catch it, Check it, and Change it In the realm of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), the three C's—Catch it, Check it, and Change it—serve as guiding principles for transforming negative thought patterns into positive ones.
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Hey everyone here’s something I wrote defining our mental health journey. And how’s everyone doing today?

Defining your mental health journey is crucial as it provides a clear framework for understanding your experiences, setting realistic goals, and tracking progress. This self-awareness fosters personal growth, resilience, and the ability to seek appropriate support, ultimately enhancing overall well-being.

As a personal example, one way I defined my mental health journey is by not letting other people find where I go for support or whether or not they take medication, even though I do take medication. What’s a something you do or something, you would like to work on in order to find your mental health journey?

Simple Ways to Empower Ourselves to Define Our Mental Health Journey

#ADHD #ADHDInGirls #MentalHealth #mentalhealthmatters #Anxiety #Depression #Addiction #SubstanceRelatedDisorders


Simple Ways to Empower Ourselves to Define Our Mental Health Journey

What I Learned About Defining My ADHD and Generalized Anxiety Throughout My Mental Health and Recovery Journey
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May 24th, 2024 Review + Thoughts

Yesterday was so much, so today had to be a bit small in terms of what I could do; energy levels being low and all.

I slept in a lot, feeling exhausted so I didn’t get up until really late but I did manage to get up from bed and take my medication.

Today was quiet; not much happened but writing a little.

Stomach hurt some.

I can’t really recall anything else worth mentioning that isn’t a blurry haze besides feeling out of breath randomly again even though I was just sitting and having this annoying ringing in my left ear.

That isn’t that uncommon for me as my ears ring occasionally mostly in my left but sometimes both and rarely only in my right.

On a different note,
I can make some paintings now as I can afford the supplies!

Really looking forward to painting! 🦋

#MentalHealth #PTSD #ADHD #ADHDInGirls #CrohnsDisease #ChronicPain #ChronicIllness #InflammatoryBowelDiseaseIBD

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is ADHDSTARS78. I'm here because firstly i need a break from all the other apps, no one knows me on here? And you can forget thread’s!😂😂 Insta everyone is watching every move i make and Fb is a huge trigger! 🤦🏼‍♀️💯So i have Adhd, Ocd, anxiety and depression sometimes? I am also recovering from a past filled with drugs, oh and i love Jesus, he brought me out and away from those drugs! Hallelujah! I have a 15 year old daughter who lives with her Dad as i have been recovering from a car accident i had back in 2015. So yeah thats me. Xx 💜🦋 #ADHDInGirls #jesuseverything #OCD #Depression #AddictionRecovery

#MightyTogether #Anxiety #Depression #Migraine #ADHD #OCD #AutismSpectrumDisorder

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