To love ourselves and support each other in the process of becoming real is perhaps the greatest single act of daring greatly.
- Brené Brown

Support can be shown in so many ways, big and small. A kind message, a thoughtful gift, a hug, showing up for a difficult conversation, checking in, saying I love you, asking hard questions, spending time together, even a simple like on social media. The ways in which we are able to show support are endless; at the core of each is effort to acknowledge what another is going through. Leaning into discomfort is no easy task. Nobody knows the best way to show up for someone they love who is in the arena - and that's the point. Showing up to let them know you're there to support them is the first step, and it doesn't really matter how it's done. While some can relate to certain tragedy and know how to respond appropriately, many cannot, so showing support becomes a new challenge. Some of us say "well I don't know what to say" and then we go down this rabbit hole trying to find the most appropriate words or way to convey that we feel so deeply for this person while acknowledging their pain without somehow offending, minimizing, or highlighting the obvious. In the end, many decide it's better to say nothing at all without realizing how much their worry and concern would mean to the intended recipient. Whether you present yourself awkwardly, fumbling, and mumbling, or calm, collected, and well spoken, the effort will be there.

Leaning into discomfort and choosing to be an active participant in your own healing journey is a feat in itself. It can take weeks, months, and yes, even years to step out of the darkness and into the arena, ready to fight. Once you're in the arena sharing your pain, you're able to ask for support; once you ask for support, you begin to gain support; once you gain support, you begin to heal; once you begin to heal, you can begin to support others. Without support, healing would seem impossible. Showing support through healing is one of the most beautiful cycles we get to experience in this lifetime.

Show up and let yourself be seen, friends. Today I challenge you to dare greatly, lean into discomfort, and ask for support if you need it or show support to someone who does. Being vulnerable is being brave. Choose to be brave.

#BeBrave #Support #Healing #PTSD #Trauma #ptsdsupport #cptsdsupport #MentalHealth #MentalHealth #youarenotalone #showup #leanintodiscomfort #BreneBrown