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This Is My Poem About Rising From The Darkness

From Low to Rise

In the depths, I felt so small,
Drowning in darkness, ready to fall.
But a spark ignited deep inside,
A whisper of hope, my heart’s guide.

With each small step, I found my way,
Rising from shadows into the day.
Though scars remain, I stand tall and free,
A journey of strength, reclaiming me.
In the depths, I felt so small,
Drowning in darkness, ready to fall.
But a spark ignited deep inside,
A whisper of hope, my heart’s guide.

With each small step, I found my way,
Rising from shadows into the day.
Though scars remain, I stand tall and free,
A journey of strength, reclaiming me.

#MentalHealthAwareness #PoetryCommunity #healingjourney #TraumaRecovery #Inspiration #resilience #emotionalhealing #Selflove #RecoveryIsPossible #youarenotalone #mentalhealthmatters


We need to talk. #MentalHealth #Addiction #youarenotcrazy #youarenotalone

Hey guys! Every single time I came onto this chat, I was either using or was going to use. I was severely addicted to cough meds weed and practically all downers. I have felt different my entire life. I have now had a profound "spiritual awakening" that I always read over and over in the big book but never understood. I am liam, and I don't even care anymore how many days I have sober not bc im not sober but for the sole purpose of taking it one day at a time. I have had a huge self discovery and died about 10 days ago and was not supposed to make it. I wayyy overtook opiates and psychedelics. When I first got to the hospital. I felt like people were looking at me differently. But I am telling u I don't care what u believe in as long as u believe in something. I went from 10 meds to 3. I went from my own therapist and many others strategically planning my funeral for years and putting me down. I went from first off about to be sent to a state psych ward and being misdiagnosed with catatonic schizophrenia to now finally being believed and not one psych ward would accept me. 4 out of 5 residentials denied me. But diamond behavioral health listened. I hop on a plane by myself today at 7:50pm to Florida and although I recognize life is definitely far from perfect... i got wheeled into the icu not expecting to make it and have permanemt brain damage on july 28th and and now i am flying to florida today by myself on a plane for the first time today... and this is where my life begins. Thank u to everywhere in the past 4 years that have all been the stepping stones in my recovery to finally finding me. Whats your story?

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Please #stay

I’ve been buying myself a lot of #motivationalshirtsANDsweaters online ever since I found one that spoke to my #soul - and this one sweater pictured here is my favorite one.

It says… “Stay” with added words on the right sleeve… “The world is a better place with you in it.”

Whenever I wear this, my eyes would always drift to my arm and it brings me a little #Hope at a time of getting through this.

I want people to be more #informed and more #aware that the things we go through is a real #illness and that a lot of us suffer from it.

After having a conversation with my favorite #maillady I found out that she too was in my shoes. We both agreed that #oneword or even a #friendlyacknowledgment from someone (that let’s you know that you’re #NotInvisible ) can help us get through the day. Like another shirt of mine says…

“You are #NeverAlone - Keep fighting… everyone is fighting a battle we know nothing about.”

I just want the #stigmatoend and have people more #aware because in certain cases, not knowing how to react to something in an #Understanding and #positive way, and instead react #negatively , but not on purpose, that their reactions have the ability to #trigger us back downward, or make the rest of our day #happy

If no one told you today…


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Welcome new group members!

Thank you for joining this group and thank you to those who have already shared your stories. Keep sharing and commenting and helping each other with words of support and encouragement. #Anxiety #worktransitions #youarenotalone

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I'm new here!

Hi, my name is Clafan i am here "Sharing my story online as a way to heal and find support. While I may not have the luxury to seek professional help in my current situation, I'm grateful for the online community that can offer a listening ear. Remember, you're never alone in your struggles. Reach out, share, and connect. Together, we can overcome." 💪🌟 #healingjourney #onlinesupport #youarenotalone #YouAreNotAlone


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Do you find people don’t believe, respect or honor your disability? Have you lost friends because of this?

The problem with having severe mental illness and trauma, or really any disability for that matter...

If you don't act "disabled enough" in public, people assume you're fine and should be functioning just like everyone else... If you're able to hold a conversation, or go to a social event, or work a job, or go to the grocery store, or clean your house, even part of the time, people assume you're absolutely fine and faking/exaggerating your symptoms. Even if I can do the task once and fail the next ten times, people think because I did it once I'm 100% fine.

But if you act "too disabled" people think you're "crazy" and a burden and want nothing to do with you. If you're suicidal, out of control, crying, self-harming, having flashbacks, getting angry for "no reason", canceling plans, unable to work, can't keep up with responsibilities, can't go out in public, can't clean, or can't socialize, people get tired of you, ignore you, get mad at you, blame you for your symptoms, and don't want to be around you.

This also applies to physical and intellectual disabilities and chronic illness. For example, being able to walk. If a person in a wheelchair walks once in a while, they aren't "cured" or faking it or not trying hard enough, they're still disabled! Disabilities don't present in the same way every day. Some days I can go to an appointment and then clean for six hours and be absolutely fine, and some days, like today, simply opening an incorrect bill will trigger a severe and disabling meltdown for several hours. We have good days and bad days. We are trying harder than you can imagine. Please understand and be patient with us.

Nobody is faking their trauma or disability. Nobody is exaggerating their symptoms. Nobody is pretending as an excuse to avoid responsibility. We are doing the best we can. We need compassion and understanding from those around us. We're trying so hard. Every day is hard for us and we're doing our best. Please try to understand.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and/or experiences with us. We are here to support one another and lift each other up.

Thank you all!

#MultipleHealthChallenges #invisableillness #Depression #Anxiety #youarenotalone #mighty contributor #warriors #Fybromyalgia #Gastroparesis @moshe222mhc

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