When did life become so hard? #CheckInWithMe
I read a post that said “I wasn’t myself for months and no one noticed. I felt that.” I’ve given a lot of thought to this lately, when times get difficult and rough, it’s normal for me to revert into silence and self-isolate from everyone. It’s something that I’m really, truly working on. After going through a rough year, now being stuck in quarantine, and working from home. It’s been a challenge.. There are days when it’s a constant battle to get out of bed and function, working from home only makes it easier to stay in bed and not want to do anything.
I see my own therapist weekly, we message each other between sessions and that helps, she’s even helping me get an ESA pet. As a Registered Intern myself, there’s a lot of shame in admitting that I’m struggling. I love my job, and I help my clients, but outside of work? It’s a struggle. My family doesn’t understand, my friends also don’t really understand either. When I visit my family, I see my dog and I just cry. I cry a lot, actually. My family and friends don’t understand what it’s like identifying as an LGBTQ+ person in the state of our world, in the middle of a global pandemic. And so, my mental health suffers from it. #lgbtqmentalhealth #CheckInWithMe #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealthHero #MentalHealthprofessionals #registeredmentalhealthcounselingintern