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Holy Mountain by Melanie R.

Holy Mountain by Melanie R.

I looked to the hills
where great mountains stand.
For all of my help
is from God’s righteous hand.
They reach to the heavens as they do declare,
the signs of His wonder-
His glory, and care.

The height of His Majest….

My Rock,
Atop there with Him,
I feel comfort-

I’m home.

The Rock that was thrown down,
then rolled…ooh..ooh…

Now holds me together,
shows mysteries unknown.

Mt. Tabor’s prominence;
Mt. Carmel stood tall-
there’s One God that reigns over all!!

In His holy mountain,
with Him by my side,
in hearing His word,
growing faith,
I abide.

The gush of the water
that came from the stone,
Rained living water;
restoring me whole!

Thank You Jesus!

Stay Strong Mighty Warriors,
and God be with you all! 🙏💪🏻🏔️

#MightyPoets #InsideTheMighty #MitochondrialDisease #AutoimmuneImmunodeficiency #ComplexRegionalPainSyndrome #ChronicIllness #Dysautonomia #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #MultipleAutoimmuneSyndrome

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#MightyPoets #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD

I never understood how my words fell far from ears,
For the distance I spoke of was never the miles.
It was the hollow between what I gave and what they got,
A space carved by flaws, not measured in trials.

I cried out as if my voice weren’t enough,
But they searched for tears that never got caught.
How could they not see the weight of my trembling tone?
Maybe it's my fault to be sharp as a bone.
For it is crucial to break to be seen as whole,
Yet the knowing is what I feared all along.

Crying was never merely about the tears that fell,
It was about those that stayed locked behind my gaze.
The yearning buried deep where no one could ever see,
Yet it burnt with the burden of not being seen.
The ache grew stronger through tears that never cried,
As the days passed, I realized this is the kind of pain no wetness could abide.
The unyielding injustice won’t be known,
It’ll vanish like a window's mist, slow and alone.

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#MightyPoets #BorderlinePersonalityDisorderBPD

The more I ache, the more I miss you, Father,
Perhaps because sorrow still echoes your ungentle hands.
It reminds me how you broke me, piece by piece,
Took all I was and left me no peace.

Your words still linger in the cracks of me,
Making me a prisoner of yours in my own body.
Your voice is like a whisper carved into stone,
Soft in its cadence, yet colder than bone.

Most days, I am left to wander and mourn—
What sin did I bear to be hated even before I was born?
What curse was written in me before I was whole?

I know I shouldn’t ask such a thing,
Shouldn’t beg for such a link,
But I have tried to unlearn the hunger for your love,
To convince myself otherwise.
But, Father, you are a wound without end,
And I would trade my very soul
If it meant, once, only once,
You could be my dad instead of my end.

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The Polar Bear and the Trout: A Fable

During his journey to Mexico, the polar bear got lost in the woods. He found the same brook four times as he wandered in circles. The first time, he saw four trout huddled fearfully in the reeds. He asked them if they could help find his way out of the trees, and they said no, they had never ventured beyond the brook. Being too afraid to be of much help in any case, they asked the bear for his assistance. “King Toad recently installed himself as ruler, and we fear for our lives. I am Inky, a scholar of great renown, and King Toad thinks that learning undermines his ability to tell people what to think. Blinky has a sleep disorder that prevents him from working. King Toad says that if you cannot work, you are a parasite without value and do not deserve to live. Pinky is a socialist, and King Toad’s wealthy backers will not tolerate a philosophy that demands that they share. Finally, Shadow’s lifestyle choices confound King Toad! Shadow sings with the crawdads, while dressed as a crawdad! King Toad says that what Shadow does is sick and wrong, but cannot say why. Please, can you help us before we are murdered for simply being who we are?” The bear promised to keep an eye out for trouble as he found his way through the woods.

The second time the bear found the brook, Inky was gone. Blinky said, “We were hiding when they came for him. Where were you? You promised to help us!” The bear said he would look more carefully for trouble as he found his way.

The third time the bear found the brook, Inky and Blinky were both gone. Pinky said, “We were hiding when they came for them. Where were you?” The bear promised to do better.

The fourth time the bear found the brook, Inky, Blinky and Pinky were all gone. Shadow said, “I never spoke up for them. Will you speak up for me?” The bear didn’t have time for that, nor did he have time to sneak behind the trout as he had the first three times. He lunged, grabbing Shadow by the tail and swallowed the trout whole. He dozed by the brook, confident that King Toad’s minions would not bother him. Upon rising, he spit up Shadow’s bones, stretched, and padded off toward the exit he’d found the day before.

Moral: The people we trust hurt us the most. #Depression #MentalHealth #PTSD #Trauma #Suicide #MightyPoets

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The Vicious Cycle of Being Disabled in 2025

Prices climb, the world moves fast,
More work to do, more bills to last.
Disabled young, back in ‘17,
It meant survival—barely seen.

Not sick enough to waste away,
But pain ensures I cannot stay
At desks or screens for hours on end,
My body breaks, it will not bend.

One income stands, we make it through,
No grand vacations, nothing new.
But in this space where dollars lack,
I hold my health—I won’t give it back.

Some might say it’s luck or grace
To earn a check, to have a place,
Yet what they miss, what they don’t see,
Is how much pain it costs to be me.

So I will save my strongest days
For love that lights and warms my way.
No office walls, no corporate climb,
Just precious moments—yours and mine.

Written by Shanell Huggins #MightyPoets #Migraines #DegenerativeDiscDisease #Fibromyalgia #Depression #Anxiety

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What is that, ah, a ripple,
Gushing, yet round pattern,
Waves of feeling circle,
Softly, like whispers, scatter

#Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #Pain #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #MightyPoets

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While Exploring the Reaches of My Mind #MightyPoets #MentalHealth

While exploring the reaches of my mind,
A small child did I find,
Scared, alone and crying.

“What’s wrong”, I said. “Why so sad?”
“I failed, made a mistake, and now I’m bad.”
Kneeling down, I spoke softly and said.

“LIttle one, you did not know
The mistakes we make are how we grow
They don’t make you bad or broken
They make you human.”

“The shame you feel, is not yours to own,
It’s not your fault it was a broken home,
You were always enough you see,
You just needed someone to tell you, like me.”

Then I turn and saw and older boy,
He smiled at me full of joy,
He said “Those were wise words coming from you.”
“It’s something you need to tell yourself too.”

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#MightyPoets Untitled 23

Why the hands that once wrapped around my waist, ended up around my neck

And why?

If everything apparently happens for a reason

What was the reason for the the person whom I love, would do that to me?

Is it possible to love someone, yet want to hurt them so badly?

“Think of how an accusation like that would ruin his life think about the choice you are making”.
But the choice was never mine.

And why
Why is it, that I love this person?
With all of my heart

The same heart he once tried to stop from beating.

When not with hands, with words and venom.

Spiting vitriol as easily as taking your next breath.

So unworthy and unlovable, the slurs engraved in my mind.

And you never admit it, to doing any of it

You didn’t just hurt me, or lied to me, or called me names.

You didn’t just inflict physical harm on me

You broke a really deep part of me inside

A part I have only now just started to get back.

#KeepTalkingMH #MentalHealth #Anxiety #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #MightyPoets #Trauma #DomesticViolence #Abuse

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