During his journey to Mexico, the polar bear got lost in the woods. He found the same brook four times as he wandered in circles. The first time, he saw four trout huddled fearfully in the reeds. He asked them if they could help find his way out of the trees, and they said no, they had never ventured beyond the brook. Being too afraid to be of much help in any case, they asked the bear for his assistance. “King Toad recently installed himself as ruler, and we fear for our lives. I am Inky, a scholar of great renown, and King Toad thinks that learning undermines his ability to tell people what to think. Blinky has a sleep disorder that prevents him from working. King Toad says that if you cannot work, you are a parasite without value and do not deserve to live. Pinky is a socialist, and King Toad’s wealthy backers will not tolerate a philosophy that demands that they share. Finally, Shadow’s lifestyle choices confound King Toad! Shadow sings with the crawdads, while dressed as a crawdad! King Toad says that what Shadow does is sick and wrong, but cannot say why. Please, can you help us before we are murdered for simply being who we are?” The bear promised to keep an eye out for trouble as he found his way through the woods.
The second time the bear found the brook, Inky was gone. Blinky said, “We were hiding when they came for him. Where were you? You promised to help us!” The bear said he would look more carefully for trouble as he found his way.
The third time the bear found the brook, Inky and Blinky were both gone. Pinky said, “We were hiding when they came for them. Where were you?” The bear promised to do better.
The fourth time the bear found the brook, Inky, Blinky and Pinky were all gone. Shadow said, “I never spoke up for them. Will you speak up for me?” The bear didn’t have time for that, nor did he have time to sneak behind the trout as he had the first three times. He lunged, grabbing Shadow by the tail and swallowed the trout whole. He dozed by the brook, confident that King Toad’s minions would not bother him. Upon rising, he spit up Shadow’s bones, stretched, and padded off toward the exit he’d found the day before.
Moral: The people we trust hurt us the most. #Depression #MentalHealth #PTSD #Trauma #Suicide #MightyPoets