Put Miranda Lambert, Kate Hudson, Drew Barrymore n Reese Witherspoon back on the shelf, Aspen book n Coleen McConough if I'm spelling it right, Buddha's going by Loreena, what does home mean to you, thank you for small things, this is my home, please no more acquiring, am I wrong to stay in it, still reach out but home n family mean so much, protect your hearth from within, cherish n spread love, be tollerant, ask what people want rather than imposing, a small night away's ok but we all belong somewhere specific, what are possessions, old n new, I mean some of us Have Dylan n Van n Neil n Downey n Lightfoot n Joni n Sarah n Jewel Vinyl and this is our possession, some have diamonds n enslave a heart, some gold, some a favourite dress w memories, some shoes, some photos, me - an Inner Harbour sweatshirt, some rewind the gold, some Disney, its nice to have a place n somewhere warm to come back to, a bed of Roses, a blanket of Stars, an old quilt, a place of memories, clean it, help, keep neat, celebrate, invite, protect, I'm a phony in that my hand is still small right now, not the fancy hostess just from the heart, its called share what you may, accept people's flaws and hopefully one day find more blood, a bit lonely in this world, such delic abundant food, Thank you