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Cloak Not Mine

Silver strands of stress, woven

Creases of grief interrupt skin

Burdened by pain, I wear unease

I'm wrapped in a cloak of this disease


The weight, the worry, the weariness

The fog, the ache, the loss, the less

Not one article can I set aside

All I can do is strive to hide


Layers revealed and judged, I dread

Deemed unfit by what I cannot shed

Under it all, I lie and wait

Praying I won't suffocate

#MightyPoets #LymeDisease #ChronicFatigue

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My new poem on it isn't what we go through, but how we choose to go through it that defines our progress and meaning with those challenges. #ADHD #Anxiety #Depression #MentalHealth #neurodiversity #addiction #mentalhealthmatters #MightyPoets The Path We Choose

The Path We Choose

Our Defining Moments
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The Collegiate Depression

As I click each key

Haphazardly typing my time away

onto a screen that shines brightly

and blinds my mind

causing it to spin uncontrollably

it feels wet

there are droplets on each cubicle

how did it get there?

Did the juice box spill its contents in my absence?

But it is already empty

it sits crumpled at the corner of the table

lifeless, crooked, and wrinkled,

it is screaming to be saved

how can something empty be saved

it has already served its purpose

so it shall be tipped and fall into its resting place

can it become happy with others of its kind

all lying in a non-decomposed heap

rotting away, forgotten

the screen doesn't seem to care

neither does its moist keyboard,

one day neither will I

#Depression #MentalHealth #MightyPoets

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Soldier by Melanie R.

Soldier by Melanie R.

I am a chosen soldier
in the Army of The Lord.
Spirit lifted,
Sovereign Word-
my trusted sword.

I put on Ephesians armor
Found ready,
as we stand.
Together He battles with us,
fight for good, and glory land.

The breastplate of righteousness
adorned across my chest,
protects and helps guide me.
My heart source brightly cleansed.

The helmet of salvation
Covers, and keeps watch.
Shielding darts,
casts down arrows-
diffuses negative thoughts!

Washed robes of white ;
mercy’s priestly gown.
Anointed Oil…
Lamb Sheared-
no sound.

Unblemished armor,
Clothed in grace.
Mercy’s knight
holds shield of faith!

Covered by King’s glory.
Truth’s belt buckled in,
Following His Story
Shoes of readiness tread again!

Yielded body
Willing forge,
Faithful soldier-
Unsheathed sword.

Marching onward
torrential lands
crushing giants,
heads in hand!

We’re designed to knock down strongholds,
Conquer fear,
destroy doubt.
Lord, anoint us as we travel,
steadfast martyrs for the crown.

Thank you Lord for equipping us with the tools to endure!
Stay Strong Mighty Warriors!

Ephesians 613
Therefore, take up the whole armor of God.
That you may be able to stand in the day of evil, and having done all you can, stand firm.

2 Corinthians 10 3-4
For though we walk in the flesh we do not war according to the flesh. For our weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.

Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

1 Peter 1:18-19
You know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect.

1 Corinthians 5:7
Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.

#ChronicIllness #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #MitochondrialDisease #PosturalOrthostaticTachycardiaSyndrome #IrritableBowelSyndromeIBS #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #InsideTheMighty #MightyPoets #MightyTogether #CheckInWithMe

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Crimson by Melanie R.

Crimson by Melanie R.

Crimson red-
against the snow.
My heartache bleeds,
and nearly froze!

I turn to you
and say a prayer,
release me Lord,
from pain
and spare…
my heart from this deep suffering…

the ache,
the hurt…,
my mind

Crimson red,
down and blue.
White of snow,
thoughts of you.

Buffalo blizzard…
A frozen cry;
of time felt lost,
and days gone by.

I reach for you;
long to hold you….
Still feel your love around.
It wasn’t just the ordinary,
pure love is what we found.

Although time goes;
will never fade.
Swirls like wind,
still falls like rain.

Our hearts hold onto memories.
Days up,
then down,
like swaying trees.

Crimson red,
Hearts of truth.
Cold of snow,
Thoughts of you.

Red cardinal singing
love’s song of faith.
Holy Water springing,
by pearl o’heaven’s gate
A timely whispered love song,
her music sung deep blue.
Sets free-
releases sadness,
as spirit’s called to you.

Soul guided.
As He too heard our cries,
He knows of all the suffering,
every groaning,
every sigh.

Crimson red
the blood was poured;
robes washed white-
Calvary brought forth!

So shout. Hallelujah!”
and say, AMEN!
to Our Sovereign Lord,
and most earnest friend!

Heart crimson red;
Lord’s Promises True.
He carried The Cross…
and message for you!

John 16:22
Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again. And you will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away.

Romans 8:26
In the same way, The Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but The Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.

Psalm 145:18
The Lord is near to all who call Him.
To all who call on Him in truth.

Mark 9:3
His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them.

Revelation 7:14
These are they that have come out of great tribulation, they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb.

#MitochondrialDisease #HypothyroidismUnderactiveThyroidDisease #RareDisease #ChronicIllness #ChronicInflammatoryDemyelinatingPolyneuropathy #ChronicPain #InsideTheMighty #PrimaryImmunodeficiency #MightyPoets #CheckInWithMe

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Magic Wand

What do I want from my life you ask?
Do you have a magic wand?
‘Cause that would be a start!
What do I need to feel ok you ask?
Do you have enough time
To listen to my heart
What help do you need?
What do you want to gain?
Can you convince me my life is about more
Than just existing in my own pain?

#ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #PTSD

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