Hi there. As with many women depressives, I have always been drawn to the writings of Sylvia Plath. (I know probably not the healthiest choice, but hey what would we be without our quirks?) Anyway, once of her most iconic quotes hits me just right every time. When I am low, like now in these crazy times, I always feel... “very still and empty, the way the eye of a tornado must feel, moving dully along in the middle of the surrounding hullabaloo.”
-The Bell Jar 🌪

Can you relate? Share your stories below, and let’s build a safe community together, where we can take our power back and help #erasethestigma . 🧠 #Depression #Anxiety #PTSD #MentalHealth #MentalHealth #Sylviaplath #TheBellJar #erasethestigma #pandemic #MsHullabaloo