Just had another experience at the store where I was made fun of and humiliated. I don't think it would matter so much if I didn't already feel awful about myself. I'd give anything to have my old life back but instead I'm trying to accept the way things are and find the good... but where's the good when people talk about the scars on my face and my leg twitching by itself while I'm in line at the grocery store waiting to check out. And why can't I forget that stuff? If I'm gonna have amnesia anyway, how come I can't forget whatever I want to? I wish I could tell my doctors that this is BS and I'd like a refund please. Lol. Kind of. It is only kind of funny, but I gotta take what I can get these days. #dissociativeamnesia #TraumaticBrainInjury #Depression #needgood #Ataxia