Traumatic Brain Injury

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Caregiving for a survivor of a traumatic brain injury.

When I chose to care for Jim after his three-month hospital stay, I anticipated a challenging journey filled with trials and triumphs. Jim's recovery was a winding road of small victories and setbacks, requiring patience and resilience. Each day offered new opportunities for progress, and even Jim's rare smiles became a beacon of hope. My family, especially my daughter, provided crucial support. Late-night reflections showed me how far we had come, and I learned to cherish small victories, like Jim's recognition of familiar faces and his growing confidence in speaking. Though the journey continues, we are building a foundation of strength and love, bringing me peace and purpose.

6 1/2 yrs later I have this creative urge to help spread awareness! If you guys want to see more of the journey I created a youtube channel about this journey and I have found it helps with the healing and the reason I am where I am today. msloretta529


I feel well I don't know how to put it?

Lately my roommates have moods that make my husband and I feel emotionally stressed or drained.. We try our best to do as asked to help around the household. But we feel more like butlers or maid doing there easy arrons (sorry cant spell) when I clean I cant do much cause there stuff everywhere(meaning cant organize) and my husband tired of doing all there groceries shopping when he comes home or on weekends; he works M-F as nigh security an cant fully relax.

My husband and I have disabilities. We share a house with roomies. I cant work do to my disability tbi.

We cant move out do to bills and food we share shop with. I have TBI and my husband has mild Austium. He works and I stay home with roomies pets. Kinda like a house wife when they work or go to school.

I wish to find a way to help out- but we feel stressed out - #Stress #Anxiety #austium #TBI #depressed

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I feel well I don't know how to put it?

Lately my roommates have moods that make my husband and I feel emotionally stressed or drained.. We try our best to do as asked to help around the household. But we feel more like butlers or maid doing there easy arrons (sorry cant spell) when I clean I cant do much cause there stuff everywhere(meaning cant organize) and my husband tired of doing all there groceries shopping when he comes home or on weekends; he works M-F as nigh security an cant fully relax.

My husband and I have disabilities. We share a house with roomies. I cant work do to my disability tbi.

We cant move out do to bills and food we share shop with. I have TBI and my husband has mild Austium. He works and I stay home with roomies pets. Kinda like a house wife when they work or go to school.

I wish to find a way to help out- but we feel stressed out - #Stress #Anxiety #austium #TBI #depressed

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June 1993 I suffered a traumatic brain injury complete with a helicopter ride to the hospital unconscious and unable to enjoy the ride out of the mountain to Denver.
June 2024 I suffered a stroke and get a surgical procedure in three week to clean out my right carotid artery at which time the Dr. will decide of the left side carotid needs cleaned out as well at a later date. His current guess as of this morning it will not need to be done, lucky me. So now I am seeing how this app works. At least I will be back to Sky Ridge Hospital which has tasty #BreakfastBurritos but not to the point of being a fair trade off. I like to #Workout an hour a day to avoid a big belly and am at least winning that battle.

What did I do to deserve this second dose of OT, PT, AND Speech therapies? They even said they took my drivers license again, oh joy… #OccupationalTherapy #PhysicalTherapy #SpeechTherapy #BrainInjury #Stroke #sucks I am not bitter, I just want to know why me again
Brownie points to the person who knows where the app screenshot came from

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I got diagnosed!

After 5 years, too many doctors to count, I got diagnosed! Verdict: Slipping rib syndrome, cranio cervical instability (CCI), and TBI. No I don't have EDS, all mine is from trauma.

Had surgery to fix my ribs (Hanson procedure, surgeon couldn't tell until they did surgery to look for it), they say 4 more months until I can start physical therapy.

I did stem cell injections for my neck, should be 6 months then go again and/or start physical therapy. Most likely I'll have life long problems.

I also got TBI officially diagnosed, but I knew about that one, but nobody believed me.

My CCI was diagnosed by digital motion xray. My CCI symptoms are: intense fatigue, muscle spasms, vertigo, dizziness, balance, proprioception issues, migrains, binocular vision disorders, nausea, body temperature control, swollowing etc.

My rib symptoms were chest pain, balance issues, shortness of breath, nausea.

Things that help me are: vitamin injections particularly B, D and alpha lipoic acid, heat/ice, weighted blankets/weighted neck thing, sunglasses, emgality (migrain med), sleeping in lawn chair, dry needling, lower teeth dental splint, special glasses matched to my dental splint, special thoracic physical therapy.

Whew. Trying to swap head space from fight for my life convincing doctors I wasn't depressed or crazy to being diagnosed and working on very real disabeling diagnosis. And other then sinking feeling real shoe hasn't dropped, very relieved this hell has a name. Very happy to have the labels. People don't get why I am so happy with this but I am. 💕 Stay strong mighties!

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Post-traumatic stress disorder and sleep

#Insomnia #CBT #PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) is characterized by a chronically heightened state of arousal after a traumatic event. PTSD often gets worse over time or develops insidiously, so that people may not realize they have it until many months after the traumatic event. The disease is more common in women, though it can happen to anybody. An estimated seven people out of 100 will experience PTSD during their lifetime.

PTSD and sleep have a complex relationship. Though sleep problems accompany many mental health conditions, sleep problems in PTSD are actually considered part of the disorder. Among the symptoms used to diagnose PTSD, two are directly related to sleep: hyperarousal and intrusion, which can manifest as insomnia and nightmares. Researchers are still trying to understand whether sleep problems precede PTSD or whether PTSD causes sleep problems.

Individuals with PTSD frequently have trouble falling asleep and awaken easily, often waking up many times throughout the night. Many people with PTSD also have nightmares. These issues result in disrupted, non-refreshing sleep.

Those with chronic pain, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury, depression or other medical problems face an additional barrier to getting quality sleep. Certain sleep medications also interfere with REM sleep, which is the sleep stage during which we dream and an important sleep stage for dealing with traumatic memories.

You can refer to this:

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A post of gratitude…

I’m grateful for finding groups and sites such as this one. Grateful to find people that understand what it’s like to be in that constant internal conflict between under and overstimulated. I am an HSP/HSS, amongst other things, and I continually find MySelf trying to steady between Being “not enough” and “too much” for the world around Me, while seeking My perfect balance internally.

I, like most here, have a great many interests, and feelings about those interests. Every last one of them. So many feelings. I’m grateful to find space with others here who also aspire to find their perfect blend of balance. Looking forward to interacting more with everyone.

May all be well.

May all be safe.

May all be free from suffering and harm.

May all be joyFull and at ease.


#highlysensitveperson #Anxiety #AspergersSyndrome #AutismSpectrumDisorder #ADHD #audhd #highsensationseeker #PostTraumaticStressDisorder #TransientIschemicAttack #ComplexPosttraumaticStressDisorder #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #Addiction #PanicAttacks #Neurodiversity #Grief #Endometriosis #Arthritis #EmptySellaSyndrome #TraumaticBrainInjury #Trauma

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I’m new here!

Hi, my name is bella22722.

#MightyTogether #Depression . I have been on antidepressants for 50 years. I am so codependent that I am tired of life. I am overwhelmed & can't focus long enough to complete any project I start. My son, who is 43, has a TBI from an accident 4 years aworriedgo. He received a settlement 4 months ago which was supposed to last the rest of his life. It is gone after 4 months. I am worried all the time. I am a Christian & I tried to turn my son's life over to God, but I just can't stop crying which is so unlike me. I am trying to find help, but I am not having any luck.

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