College and Nuerodivergency: How do you cope? #Neurodiversity #neuro -fatigue #NeuroDiverseSquad #Autism #ADHD
Hi everyone, I’m seeking advice and coping tips. I’m a first year college student at 25. I’m really struggling to handle the stress load. I am Autistic and I hyper focus really bad, and I will over analyze every little thing . I can’t stop taking one assignment and turning into a really over analyzed or over studied task. I take it all to the extreme and don’t accomplish other tasks I need to do. I also panic really bad over tests, and will make myself sick with anxiety thinking about a test I have to do and then mess up bad on the rest because I’m so anxious.
I also don’t have a therapist because my last one did something really bad and traumatic and I had to leave her. So. I don’t have that support either.
How do you all/did you cope with school? Especially those that are autistic or have adhd? How do you function when your brain doesn’t want to?